Mulching Flowerbeds Made Simple

I noticed on my way home that my neighbors have planted beautiful flowerbeds in their front yard. However, they did not mulch the flowerbeds and I have always been taught that you should mulch flowerbeds for the best results. Mulching has many benefits and learning how to mulch a flowerbed is really quite simple. Mulching provides several benefits for your flowers: it inhibits the growth of weeds; keeps soil moist; prevents soil compaction and helps maintain a consistent soil temperature. In addition, many types of mulch provide an attractive addition to your flowerbeds giving them an attractive well-maintained appearance.

There are several types of mulch that you can choose from when mulching your flowerbed. Organic mulch is excellent to use for flowerbeds because organic mulch provides nutrients for the soil as it decomposes. Organic mulch also attracts worms and other insects that live in the soil and keeping it aerated. Keep in mind that organic mulch will decompose and will need to be replaced periodically. has a mulch rating and applications section which lists virtually any organic mulch you can think of and the pros and cons of using it has a mulch. I prefer to use shredded hardwood bark in my flower beds because it is easy to work with, stays in place well and is easy to find at most home improvement stores or garden centers. If you have a large area to cover with mulch, you should ask your garden center about purchasing mulch in bulk. Some garden centers will deliver bulk mulch directly to your home for a small additional fee.

It is very easy to apply mulch to your flowerbeds. You will need a shovel, small trowel and a small rake to make the process easier. Mulching flowerbeds should be done in the spring before the weather is too hot and plants have grown too big to manage easily. Clean out any weeds that may have begun to grow prior to putting down the first layer of mulch – mulch will inhibit the growth of weeds but starting with a clean slate is necessary. Spread the mulch evenly between and around the flowers using the rake and trowel to evenly smooth the mulch. Mulch should be in layers of three to four inches in depth. Mulch should cover the entire flowerbed; however, there should be approximately three inches of space between the base of each flower and the mulch. If you do not allow for proper ventilation around the base of the plants, mold will begin to grow and kill your plants. Also, do not dump the mulch directly onto the plants – – mulch should be around the plants not on them. Take care to protect your plants when laying mulch because you can damage your flowering plants if you pour mulch on top of them. When you are finished, water the mulch really well and you will see immediate benefits from your labor.

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