My Dreadful Experience As A Phone Psychic

I worked as a telephone psychic. When most people think of a phone psychic, usually Ms. They usually have images of Cleon or Dionne Warwick and psychic friends. . I had the same ideas that most people have about psychic phones; the people who work for these lines have no psychic ability, their main goal is to keep you on the phone as long as possible, to get as much money from you as possible, to collect personal information so they can spam you. or sell your information to telemarketers and pretty much any other horrible thing you can do with the phone psychic industry.

Even if I was wrong, it is much worse than the average person could ever imagine. I would say that I have empathic and intuitive abilities, but many people who work as phone psychics have no psychic abilities. The only thing that is required of you is that you can be talkative enough to keep customers on the phone for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. If you cannot meet the minimum interview time requirements then you will be “let go”. I have worked with a few psychic lines and I have never found one that I feel has ethical practices, to see in the mirror what a good reader or company should have.

As customers are treated badly, readers are treated equally badly or worse. The companies I worked for had no professional support; Any questions or concerns they have are usually dismissed with annoyance and disgust, if they are answered at all. You can also look at being called and told at all hours of the night, not asking, to open because they have more callers than readers.

And if you think working as a phone psychic will make you rich, think again. You will make about fifteen to thirty cents a minute from the time you are invited. Most companies have hoops that you have to jump through that are also paid as minimum call time or minimum log in time. One company I know of will not pay unless the project is at least thirty-five hours a week.

If you have a conscience, then you are probably tired of taking calls from people who are financially desperate and trying to keep them on the phone for as long as possible. You will get calls from annoying people and most of the time it is written company policy that you keep them on the phone for as long as you can before you can give them the number to the death hotline. You will also receive obscene phone numbers that you will suffer. You’re personal comfort level doesn’t matter; It is better to talk all the time and to talk to the unclean than not to talk to anyone. You can expect to talk to the drunk, the stoned, the corrupt, and the crazy.

There was not one change that I worked on as a psychic phone that I didn’t feel “dirty” or depressed after they were closed. I don’t continue to work as a phone psychic. I finally got out of the phone psychic business; I have found other ways to speak on my own terms. I only care about how we treat my clients. I feel good about what I’m doing now. I am embarrassed to admit that I have always worked as a phone psychic, but I hope that I can educate other intuitives on the dangers of working for these companies.

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