Natural Cures for Headaches

In today’s society, many people are too easy to take medicine, the instant they feel any pain, especially headaches. But there are many natural headache relievers that are just as painful. Whether you want to stop taking so many poultices or pills and not taking pills, here are some natural remedies for headaches to try.

GET TO KNOWHeadache Triggers

To determine the proper natural treatments for a headache, first try to determine what caused the headache. The pains sometimes happen soon, but if you take them more often, try to find out if it is the food or the activity that always precedes you. Some people get a headache after eating chocolate or alcohol. Others get headaches when they exercise too hard.

If you get a lot of headaches but can’t identify the cause, start a journal to help identify the cause. Write down all the activity, food and drink consumed during the day. Over time you will notice trends in the days that are likely the cause of your symptoms.

Relax to relieve headaches

Stress is one of the most common causes of headaches so relaxing the body is the first thing you try. Sit or lie perfectly still and relax every muscle in your body. It helps to have a friend give you a neck or back massage.

Some massage techniques are natural remedies for headaches. According to AltMD, the best technique is to hang the fleshy area of ​​skin between the thumb and the finger. Use firm but gentle pressure and move your fingers in a circular motion. Then press the skin gently and hold for five to ten seconds. Do not do this if you are pregnant.

Hot and Cold Natural Remedies and Pains

While both hot and cold compresses can naturally relieve headache symptoms, you should be aware of when to use them. sinus headaches by placing a warm wet washcloth over the eyes and nose. tension headaches by placing a cold wet cloth at the base of the neck.

Food to benefit or harm . can

Instead of looking for natural headache remedies, try the process of eliminating products from your diet. Often, just a snack is an effective headache treatment. Have a regular schedule of meal breaks or frequent small meals a day. If you find yourself getting hungry, stop and eat to prevent pain.

Another thing to consider is that some foods will trigger headaches. One common food additive that causes headaches for many people is artificial sweeteners. Although these are proven safe by the FDA, some people who consume excessive amounts, especially soda, experience pain. reduce the intake of artificial sweeteners to reduce headache symptoms.

Another common food prepackaged foods contain.

AltMD: Reflexology for the Head
Dr. Larry A. Johnson, D.C.: 5 Habits to Help Migraine Headaches Naturally!

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