The warm days of summer are fast approaching, and with them a whole host of outdoor activities from yard work to beach volleyball to lake swimming. Summer is the most important time, but it can also be dangerous, too much time in the sun puts one at great risk of heat exhaustion, a condition in which the body has lost too much water. to maintain a healthy temperature. Body temperature rises, which can cause many problems. Thirst, headache, dizziness and nausea are likely symptoms of heat exhaustion. Here are some natural remedies for heat exhaustion.
1. Get out of the sun and stop the activity
First of all, when working heat exhaustion you have to stop what you are doing and get out of the sun. . Continued activity and exposure to the sun will only make the problem worse, further dehydrating and burning out the afflicted individual. Exhaustion can lead to heat stroke fatigue, so it is very important that one identify and address these signs while there is still time. natural remedies for heat exhaustion. Most people agree that this is better than hospitalization.
2. Place a cold, damp washcloth on the hands and back of the neck
Placing a cold, damp washcloth on the hands and neck of a burnt person will quickly cool them down. The blood in these areas is close to the skin, so the bath will have a cold blood temperature. Cooler blood will circulate through the body, cooling the whole body and reducing the severity of heat exhaustion.
3. Bath or shower
A bath or shower in cool (but not cold) water is stronger than a cold shower, but not always as practical. A cold bath or shower can cool the whole body quickly and easily, and is a very effective heat exhaustion treatment.
4. Eat the fruit
Fruits such as watermelon and cantaloupe are high in water content, so they are useful for exhaustion problems. They also contain concentrations of salt and other nutrients lost from dehydration, and heat exhaustion rarely occurs when well hydrated. It is therefore an excellent natural remedy for heat exhaustion.
5. drink water
That last point may be the greatest natural remedy for heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion typically occurs when the body does not have enough fluids to cool itself. So the best way is to fill up supply water to cure heat exhaustion.
Whether lawn mowing or tennis, it should always be avoided. The sun is often pleasant, but it can cause major health. Stay aware of your body and watch the signs. Heat exhaustion is nothing short of mild, and heat stroke is much worse.
Remedies for heat exhaustion.” – Natural Health, Wellness and Beauty Products, plus the largest natural health library on the web – since 1995. 27 May 2009>.
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