I would not recommend breeding crested geckos to a prince. I bred my first reptile and even though I did a huge amount of research, I’m still amazed.
Below I will try to share all the knowledge I have received either from research or personal experience. This will be an extremely useful amount of information, but if you want to breed your own crested geckos, don’t trust this page soley! Do as much research as possible as soon as you start.
I also highly recommend you get a copy of Rhacodactyl from Phillippe de Vosjoli, Frank Fasti, and Allen Repashy. It is very useful to have a reference on hand.
Obviously, the first thing you need is a breeding pair or harem (more than one female with one male).
Select healthy stallions and, if you wish, you can produce very attractive and exceptionally well-bred offspring. In their first breeding pair, male and female, both had white fringe features. He had the same children. In the other pair, the tiger model had both parents and had the same offspring. ]
An egg clutch is the number of eggs a female starling lays at one time. Most of these species are two at a time. Sometimes only one but usually only if they are young, elderly or have health problems. After about four weeks from the first clutch of eggs she will hatch another clutch. This cycle continues and a woman can lay 10-20 hands a year.
However, producing eggs makes great demands on the female’s calcium reserves. And, as you know, metabolic bone disease, which comes from calcium deficiency, is a very common problem in all reptiles and amphibians. Make sure you are getting enough calcium for your woman.
Kinks in the tail, bends in the pelvis, and distorted jaws (you may be able to see the bottom jaw sticking out by looking down) are all signs that a dog has had or has calcium deficiency. These changes are permanent except for the kinks in the tail which only correct themselves with calcium supplementation.
If your guinea pig develops calcium deficiency or you want to stop her from laying eggs for any reason, it seems that the only way to do this is to gradually lower the temperature of her cage over a period of days by about 10 degrees from the usual temperature and also. reduce the number of hours in a day. Hopefully this will send her body a message that it is winter and she will stop laying eggs. In my experience, it didn’t. I just had to boost up the calcium and wait it out. He received it at last.
After mating with the male, the egg(s) will take about four weeks to develop into a female. Although it is difficult to tell if a woman is pregnant at times, at other times it can be very easy. The female will have ribs and front back legs. They get bigger as they come out and by gently touching the sides of it you feel it is firm. You will also be able to see the shapes of the eggs through the stomach if it goes up into the glass.
The female will lay her eggs in a cool, moist place. You should give her a container filled with some moist moss or mulch in which she can lay her eggs in the hole. I used tupaware. If you keep this container of terrarium moist (but not soaked), you can almost guarantee that is where she lays her eggs.
When the time comes, check the eggs often, but do not remove them until they have left. Yes, except for the lake. If it is not provided in the container but lacks the swelling of the abdomen, look very carefully through the tank. Eggs are fragile so be careful if you ever collect them.
It is important that there is no If you read, always do the side that has been stored all the time. This could damage the monitor.
You can find different ways to “incubate” crested geckos online, but here is what has worked best for me so far: the eggs are placed in a container (although when it gets close to nesting time I dig it up. moss or mulch, and put it on top of it so that the chicks can get out more easily .
Keeping the eggs in a layer of mulch with some moist moss over them seems to work best for me, although the same with paper towel instead works mosses, then moss soon and soon mulch. The main thing is to keep it moist, but not too moist.
If the eggs are too dry, they will start to wrinkle and cave. Fortunately, if you don’t leave these out any longer, the eggs will get wet and they will fill up again and look healthy.
As the maggot develops inside the eggs, some of the eggs laid first will spread.
I kept the temperature hovering in the mid 70’s. A little higher or lower should be fine. Some say that eggs incubated at a lower temperature will produce larger female offspring and those incubated at a higher range will produce more males. This is the case with leopard geckos, but it has never really been confirmed with Cresteds.
After about 70 days The eggs hatch after 70 days and you will have beautiful little geckos! Babies are fed the same as adults, just as they get bigger.
Good bye!