New Facts Prove Granny was Right About the Health Benefits of Sunshine

Granny was right about the health benefits of fresh air and sunshine. She knew her family was healthier after spending time in the sun. She just didn’t know why. The health benefits of the sun are tremendous. Researchers are quickly proving how much it helps us to get outside and be active in the sunshine. Discoveries concerning the surprising health benefits of sunshine are increasing daily.

We’ve known about Vitamin D and its’ connection to the sun for some time.

Vitamin D is vital to good health. The sun is the best source. The human body produces Vitamin D naturally when exposed to the sunshine. Vitamin D from sunshine is superior because the body will only use what it needs. Supplements just don’t do that for us.

Sunscreen blocks Vitamin D production.

It’s true that overexposure and burning are not healthy and cause skin cancer. Still, small amounts of sun exposure are essential for Vitamin D production. Use sunscreen only for sun exposure longer than 15 minutes.

Vitamin D slows bone density loss.

This could be a future preventative of osteoporosis and other bone health issues. It’s been shown to be lacking in many cancer patients. Vitamin D benefits calcium absorption. In fact it has recently been suggested that without the presence of Vitamin D, Calcium cannot do it’s job.

Sunshine has mental health benefits.

Sunshine reduces the symptoms of depression by activating endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural anti-depressants. Sunshine cures seasonal depression disorder through endorphin production. Seratonin is the endorphin most associated with the health benefits of sunshine.

Sunshine increases circulation.

Sunshine dilates blood vessels in the skin. This brings more nutrients and oxygen to cells when capillaries are open. Dilated capillaries are also more efficient waste removers. Better circulation means better healing of skin diseases and conditions. Problems like eczema reap the benefits of sunshine health.

Sunshine increases production of both red and white blood cells.

This provides a stronger immune system. Other health benefits associated with the blood stream and sunshine are numerous. For one thing, high blood pressure is decreased by sunshine. Cardiac output is increased, allowing blood to do it’s work.

Sunshine has some more surprising health benefits.

Cholesterol stored under the skin is converted to Vitamin D. This lowers cholesterol levels drastically. Sunshine also benefits health by increasing metabolism and maintaining blood sugar levels. That’s right, sunshine even helps with weight loss.

Sunshine kills harmful viruses and bacteria.

Many disease microbes are killed by sunshine. Air out bed linens frequently in the sun to kill dust mites and freshen odors. Sunshine is a natural antibiotic.

Sunglasses block the hormonal health benefits of the sun.

The suns rays come through the eyes to the pituitary gland. This controls hormone production in other glands. It’s true that sunglasses with UV protection have health benefits through cancer protection, but like the skin, the eyes need some sunshine. Take glasses off outside for a few minutes each day to take advantage of these sunshine health benefits.

Sunshine increases liver function.

The liver is responsible for filtering and removing wastes from the body. This includes toxins such as chemicals and environmental pollution. When sunlight is allowed to do it’s job by keeping the liver healthy, it benefits all the other body systems by keeping them clear of toxins.

Getting out in the sunshine brings about a more active lifestyle.

This is evident in our couch potato kids. The children of today are having serious health issues. Their weight gain is primarily due to being cooped up in the house. The trend is to be entertained, rather than to entertain oneself. So get up, get out in the sunshine. Granny said it was good for you and she was right!

Please note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is not intended to replace professional advice.


Be Free

Sunshine Vitamin

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