Nude Beaches: What You Can Expect

Nudism is a lifestyle, many folks enjoy living that lifestyle with trips to the beach; the nude beach that is. Nude beaches are often the subject of whispered giggles and curious amusement; people poke at the concept with a stick to see if it will jump up and bite them. Those people just can’t help themselves; they are in awe of the nude beach and usually are too afraid to give it a try.

Fear of embarrassment, social protocol and uncertainty are all normal feelings when confronted with a nude beach for the first time. Most people are nervous on their first trip to a nude beach because they don’t know what to expect, I aim to fix that; here’s what you can expect when you visit a nude beach.

Children can be nudists too
When you visit a nude beach you will see nude children and families. Expect to see naked children and expect them to see you. You’ll have to get used to it if you plan on making trips to a nude beach regularly. You don’t have to agree with it but you will have to learn to live with the idea that other people live nude on a consistent basis. If you feel uncomfortable being nude around children seek out a spot on the beach that is far enough away from them that you are able to relax. For children who are accustomed to the nudist life, seeing adults naked is not out of the ordinary to them. Naked is old hat in most of their homes. The only types of nude beaches you will find that do not have children are private beaches intended for swinging.

Private and Public Nude Beaches
For your first trip to a nude beach you might want to visit one that’s privately owned. Privately owned nude beaches are typically secluded locations where law officials do not have prying eyes. You are safe to be nude anywhere on a private nude beach unless the owner has posted rules that require clothing in certain places.

Every state has a different definition for what determines lewd and indecent exposure, but public beaches usually have very limited laws in those regards. In California it’s legal to be nude on a beach, however if someone is offended and calls the police you may be asked to put your clothes back on. Some public beaches have designated areas for nudity; usually a public nude beach is considered a clothing optional beach because it is a public place and you can be asked to get dressed.

The People
The people at nude beaches will not bite you. They are not going to judge you or criticize your body. Everyone is there for the same reason; to have fun on the beach. You will find that people at nude beaches are quite friendly and may approach you as you walk by just to say hi. You may get invited to join in a volleyball game or have people stop by your spot on the beach just to chat. Keep an open mind and you will discover that once you relax you can meet some amazing people.

A lot of people assume that if they visit a nude beach they will be assaulted by gawkers and camera lenses; not true. Nudity is the norm on nude beaches; naked flesh is not a novelty. On almost all privately owned nude beaches taking photos of people is prohibited. The people at nude beaches are regulars and new comers a lot of the time so there is very little gawking.

Everyone’s body is different; no two people have the exact same shape. You will find bodies of all types on nude beaches. I’ve seen women and men that weigh well over 250 pounds; they have no problem being naked so no matter what your body is shaped like the only hang up is your own. Chances are, no one on the beach will look at you twice even if you’re as hot as Angelina Jolie; ok well maybe if you’re that hot but not usually.

There are times and places on a nude beach that clothing is considered appropriate and sometimes required. Some private nude beaches have their own restaurants and shops that are open to the general public. If clothing is necessary there will either be a notice posted somewhere on the building or will be listed in a brochure handed to you upon entrance. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the locations where you must wear clothing especially if you don’t want it to be your last visit. Some nude beaches hold dances and concerts on the weekends and may request that you wear an over shirt or swim suit.

When you visit a nude beach for the first time, whether it’s private or public, expect to feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning. It’s normal to feel that way and the other beach goers will understand your plight. The first time you disrobe may feel like jumping into freezing water, I suggest you dive right in. As hard as it is to take off your clothes in public for the first time, it’s much harder to put them back on again when it’s time to go home.

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