Oh, Those (Strange) Ohio Laws

In Cleveland, it is illegal for women to wear patent leather shoes. That is because doing so would allow men to see reflections of their underwear. That is not the only strange law in the state of Ohio; it is only one of many.

Another strange law in Ohio is that illegal to ignore a speaker on Decoration Day to the extent that you pitch horseshoes or play croquet within a mile of the speaker’s stand. If you do so, you may be fined $25.

If you are in a car, you will slow down and stop when signaled to do so when you meet or overtake a horse-driven vehicle, or person on horseback. You must remain stationary until that person or vehicle has passed.

If you leave your keys in a car, a police officer can write you a ticket. He will, also, however, write you a note of where and when you can pick your car up, provided you can prove it is yours.

Another strange law in Ohio is that it is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday. It is also illegal in the state to get a fish drunk.

In Ohio, you must honk your horn whenever you pass another car.

It is illegal to conduct or participate in a duel.

It is illegal to breastfeed one’s baby in public.

It is illegal in the state for more than five women to live in one house.

It is illegal in Ohio to mistreat anything of great importance. According to the text of the law, anything of great importance can include a United States or Ohio flag, a public monument, an historical structure, marker, earthwork, Indian mound, cemetery, thing, or site of great historical or archaeological interest, place of worship, religious artifacts, the furnishings in the place of worship, or sacred texts, a museum piece of work of art, or other work of sacred devotion or reverence.

Ohio has many cities which have their own strange laws.

Akron has a set of strange laws. It is illegal in the city to display colored chickens for sale. Skateboarding after dark is prohibited. It is illegal to post signs at swimming pools.

Electric fences are banned in Canton. Anyone who loses his pet tiger must notify authorities within one hour. It is illegal to drive Power Wheels cars down the street. It is illegal to play any game, without the permission of the Superintendent, in a public park. In North Canton, it is illegal to roller skate without informing the police you are doing so.

It is illegal to sell any map in Lima, if the map does not clearly state the city on it.

One may not run a horse more than five miles per hour in Lowell.

In Youngstown, make certain you never run out of gas, if you want to abide by the law.

In Fairfield Park, it is illegal to honk your car’s horn “excessively.” A grandmother was once fined $25 for honking her car’s horn twice at a neighbor.

Make sure you never parade your goose down Main Street in McDonald.

It is illegal to throw a snake at anyone in Toledo.

In Youngstown it is illegal to ride on the roof of a cab.


Dumb Laws in Ohio, no author listed, Dumblaws.com

Stupid Laws from Ohio , no author listed, Bitoffun.com


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