Online Finance Degree: Courses to Expect

Every corporation, no matter how large or small, needs at least one employee to handle the finances. Banks are increasing their services to include an array of investment products. Couple that with the surge of international money matters, and it leads to an increase in the potential job market in finance. Interest in the field is keen, so competition is fierce. The more education a person has, the better his chance as a successful job candidate in finance. A student earning a finance degree needs to develop critical thinking and decision-making skills, communication techniques, math skills, and-of course-financial savvy. If you plan to earn an online associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in finance, there are typical courses that you can expect at most online universities.

Courses for an Online Associate’s Degree in Finance

An associate’s degree typically takes two years to earn. The time frame is sometimes less when earning the degree online. An associate’s degree in finance is designed to cover a broad overview of areas that students might eventually choose as specializations. There are professional courses like the introduction to finance or the interpretation of financial statements. The online associate’s degree will also include general classes such as skills in presentation. Foundation courses, perhaps computers and office automation, can be expected as well.

Courses for Online Bachelor’s Degree in Finance

Some online degrees in finance are designed for the person who is on track to be a certified public accountant. A candidate needs to request that type of program if that is what he seeks. An online bachelor’s degree in finance will include elective classes and courses required for graduation such as the foundations of critical thinking. There will be classes geared toward the finance major, perhaps the fundamentals of investing, portfolio management, or multi-national corporate finance. Core classes might include business system analysis or risk-management analysis. Students learn to evaluate and solve ethical issues that arise in corporations. Online finance courses are designed so that students can ultimately use technology to support their business decisions.

Courses for Online Master’s Degree in Finance

When a student earns an online master’s degree in finance, she typically will take courses that are highly specialized. These might include classes such as competitive strategies, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, or risks of managing foreign currency. Master’s degrees classes generally incorporate real-life situations with the theories taught in classroom courses. The economy and individual cases such as bankruptcies are studied and analyzed. A course capstone project or thesis is an integral part of any master’s degree program.

Courses for Online Doctoral Degree in Finance

An online doctoral degree is not necessarily available in all areas of study. Online courses required for a doctorate in finance are generally divided into sections. If, for example, 60 credits are required in order to earn the doctoral degree, the breakdown might be as follows: 15 core business credits, 6 credits in research methods, 3 credits in business strategies, 3 in foundational courses, and 9 specialization credits. The remaining 24 credits would be dedicated to the doctoral study and dissertation.

Job Opportunities for Accounting Degrees

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