PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment Clears Acne Fast

Acne is a frustrating and embarrassing problem to have to deal with. As damaging as acne is to one’s self esteem during the teenage years, at least many of your peers are facing the same challenges together. Adult acne is in some ways even more annoying and embarrassing because most people in your age group have long outgrown this issue. I tend to break out at least once or twice a month and when I do, the only spot treatment I rely on to clear my acne fast is PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment.

Spot treating has long been a popular method of treating stubborn acne. There are many lotions, potions and creams for sale on drugstore shelves to combat acne. I know, because I’ve tried many of them. Once I started using PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment for my monthly breakouts, I stopped the roller coaster ride of being hopeful about a new acne product, only to have my hopes dashed again.

PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment begins to work on clearing skin eruptions almost immediately. The product is recommended to be applied in a thin layer to the acne affected areas one to three times a day. Many acne sufferers develop dry skin and peeling when using a topical acne treatment this often. I have found that I can safely apply PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment twice a day without worrying that my skin will become dry or irritated. When initially using this product, start at one application a day and then gradually increase your usage up to three times a day. You may find that you can apply this acne treatment up to the maximum amount of three times daily with no adverse effects. Likewise, your skin may only tolerate one application of this product per day. There is no sense in trying to clear up your acne if you are left with red and scaly skin. This will only draw more attention to your face and the affected areas. Rest assured that even if you are only able to apply PanOxyl Gel Acne Treatment once per day, you will still see results quickly.

PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment contains ten percent of Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide is effective in killing the bacteria on the skin that causes acne. Most acne treatments contain either Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. I have never had much luck with using acne products that only contain Salicylic Acid. When I saw PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment on the shelf and noticed the maximum strength amount of Benzoyl Peroxide, I was confident that this product would work to eliminate my monthly breakouts quickly. Happily, I was correct.

Whether you are a teenager dealing with the frustration of monthly breakouts, or you have passed your twenties and struggling with controlling adult acne, I emphatically recommend this product. Within a day of noticing the onset of a breakout and applying PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment, you will see improvement in the size and redness of the affected area. Within two or three days, the pimple will be gone without any scarring. By following common sense basic skin care and applying this product to the acne affected areas, you will quickly see an improvement in the appearance of your skin. PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment costs $4.99 for a one point five ounce tube. Honestly, I would pay twice that amount for quality of this product. I give PanOxyl Aqua Gel Acne Treatment five plus stars.

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