Paracord Bracelets

For whatever reason, few things today combine well within both the realm of fashion and the world of practicality. But it does appear the paracord bracelet breached the barrier. For those unfamiliar with what the paracord bracelet is (and where have you been?), it is very much what it sounds like; a bracelet woven of paracord in such a way that it is attached to a bracelet clasp, either metal or plastic.

The functional material here is the paracord itself, and paracord (short for parachute cord and sometimes known by troops as 550 cord) is a common material used by outdoorsmen and military personnel out in the field, originally used as parachute line. It is merely a cord, made of nylon or something similar, and used very much like a thin rope. It can be the easily transportable line that ties stuff together. Other than for parachute line, paracord is the material chosen by the military and others to have on hand when something needs to be bound and tied. Well, the main reason is that the stuff works great for what it is. It is quite strong for the size, and very easy to use. Further, a plentiful amount comes cheap, so using it liberally is not an issue when something impromptu, such as a shelter, needs constructing.

Someone along the way found another way to utilize paracord, and it was within a fashion sense. Because of the nature of paracord, it can be created in an endless array of colors, from black to white and everything in between. So, paracord bracelets can be made to represent football teams, school colors, favorite colors, and plenty more. A popular series of colors today are the variants in camouflage, from desert to woodland and beyond, and this pattern proves popular among those who like the paracord bracelet.

The idea behind the paracord bracelet is rather simple: The survivalist (or any other person, really) has on their wrist several feet of paracord woven neatly and conveniently into a bracelet, worn on the wrist (duh), in order to be used whenever the length of paracord is required. In fact, some companies out there who sell these bracelets offer a free replacement of the bracelet should it need to be unwoven for some practical means. They only ask the customer send in photographs of what prompted the need to unravel the paracord. Send in the pics and the explanation, and a new bracelet will soon be on its way.

But these paracord bracelets are not just being worn in the event they’ll be used; many people today are wearing them simply for the fashion statement. As said before, because the paracord comes in a variety of colors, many bracelets are color-schemed to represent teams, schools, colors of whatever sort, and often to represent groups like police, firefighters, or military personnel. Many would buy and wear the bracelet as a fashion accessory and never see it unraveled.

The paracord bracelet is popular enough, so popular that they’re found for sale at truck stops and other convenience stores, within catalogs selling survivalist gear, and within other collectibles featuring school and team gear. Many people today have jumped on the bandwagon and create their own, either as a hobby or part-time business venture. It isn’t a bad venture at all, since today it seems one can sell a paracord bracelet for ten dollars that is comprised of a length of paracord costing less than a buck. But there is a time-consuming process to the proper weave of the bracelet, so one’s labor is a factor regarding the sale.

The links below reveal methods on how to construct one’s own bracelet (and even donate them, if desired), and where to obtain all kinds in all sorts of sizes and colors.

If the paracord bracelet is something new to you, one has to wonder how you missed out on this trend. There is a plethora of companies out there making these, and it is a popular hobby with many who make them merely as a hobby or, as said above, for some extra money. Many people enjoy them for the fashion statement, many for the potential practical use, and many for a combination of the two. The idea has moved beyond just the bracelet and now one can get a dog collar made in this fashion as well as numerous other items, so it seems the possibilities are limitless, just like the fun.


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