Paying for an assisted living facility in Memphis, Tennessee can be one of the most stressful parts of dealing with an assisted living facility. Prices can vary a lot depending on the type of residence you intend to use. Prices will also vary between different assisted living facilities. Most assisted living facilities in Memphis are privately owned, and are not cost-regulated by the state.
The average cost of assisted living facility in Tennessee can range from as little as $1,800 to as high as $ MMMMCD These are averages, so you will find prices across that entire range and possibly higher. Most of the residents and their families pay the entire cost of their living expenses out of their own pockets. . Money can come from savings or life insurance. If your elderly family member provides enough to purchase long-term care insurance, you will be in a better financial position. of the city Don’t let these steep prices scare you. There are many options for paying for live assistance. Diligence will pay off.
First, it is important to understand that not all medical services may be covered. Medicare does not pay for any services that residents of an assisted living facility can afford. These are usually basic services such as washing and treatment. This is a different home than a nurse, where Medicare pays for these services. So, since most assisted living facilities require residents to be independent, they will have to charge you some clean prices if for some reason your family member is suffering from an injury or illness that temporarily prevents them from performing these basic functions. Many residents can find temporary moving to a nursing home to help rehabilitate form an illness or injury while they are to be helped in living. Not only do they get in poor shape to help, but because they don’t meet the physical requirements of an assisted living home.
In addition to these basic Medicare resources or failing there, you have other sources for financial assistance. Check your state for recommended assisted living options that provide rental assistance for senior citizens with low incomes. To find this support, you need to report to the Department of Aging. You can find their information at
Now, in some areas, it is common to deal with the costs associated with an assisted living facility. Agreeing on a set monthly fee can be beneficial to the budget. If they don’t want to roll over the costs, ask if the programs offer assistance. In less popular areas, assisted living facilities must compete for clients. This can work in your favor. In larger cities, though, be prepared to get stuck on the waiting list just to get a room. Major cities like Atlanta don’t need to offer competitive prices to fill their stores.
Keeping these payment options in mind, here are a few local Memphis assisted living options. If your loved one needs assisted living, it’s not just because of the money. Someone is always willing to help in any way they can.
Independent Assisted Living can be reached at 100 North Street, Memphis, Tennessee, 38103. ) 525-6965.
Lamar Home for the Aged is located at 1986 Lamar Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, 38114. They can be reached at (901) 276-2775.
Morgan Senior Care Care Facilities is located at 850 Hanley Street, Memphis, Tennessee, 38111. They can be reached at (901) 327 -8160.