Choosing a very ripe watermelon can be quite a tricky task for us shoppers. We knock, smell and thoroughly examine the melons. Sometimes we need to get input from other nearby shopkeepers who are trying the same business. They often respond with a chuckle and say “you don’t want my advice”. So again you are left to make your own guesses. Hopefully with trial and error you will improve your skill to become an expert melon picker. But you will come to yet another disappointment after cutting the cucumber open to find it hard and inedible again. Is there really an effective way to pick the perfect watermelon? Yes, and you may wonder what it really works like when choosing three of America’s top-selling melons.
A watermelon should be heavy for its size due to its 98% water content. The round shape should be symmetrical. A dull green color is a good indication that the mouth is ripe. There must be a place where the melons on the ground before harvesting are yellow colored with milk. Now I will take it in the opposite direction, this is the sum. The color between the bands must be consistent. Do not choose a watermelon that is dark green with a whitish spot, this indicates that it is still unripe.
Thump the melon with an open palm and listen for a hollow sound. This slightly hollow sound most likely indicates that it is ripe, but it could also mean over ripeness. A tighter sound will indicate that it is not yet ripe enough.
This cucumber should be of heavy size. Look pale honey green with a gray vein. The color of the melon should be similar to the color of the flesh. Not only will this mean it is ripe, but it will also be sweeter. Avoid buying colored honey, as this will be premature for consumption.
The blossom should be slightly pressed and contain a sweet smell. A strong smell would mean that of ripe melons.
Look for beige melons with a gray border. The color should be uniform all around. The webbing must be properly defined. The cantaloupe should be slightly soft at the end of the bloom and very fragrant. Do not choose a green melon with a tang because it is still unripe. This cucumber should be a heavy size.
The place where the stem was to be applied is called the full slide. This area should be smooth and lightly cut and free from the remains of the stem.
Don’t be fooled by the whole mass of bad melons. I have found this many times, where all the melons are unripe or badly damaged. If it is not easy to pick cucumbers from the above tips then it is likely that the cucumbers are not of good quality, try again next week!
Now you can finally shop for those cucumbers with confidence. Go ahead and try it when you get home to find that the melon tastes sweet, sweet and succulently delicious. Enjoy someone else’s melons bought without any other assistance.