Plastic Storage Bags: ZipLoc and Hefty Big Bags Product Comparison

My sister, a neat freak recently gave me the Hefty Big Bags to try out. She’s very organized and so am I so she knew I’d love these. Well, I was very impressed with them. Filled the tree bags that come in the package right up and went back to the store for more. When I got to the aisle I spotted Ziploc Big Bags for less money. I purchased them , went home, filled them up and was quite pleased with them as well. They were larger but each brand has a particularly good feature. Zip loc has a double zipper closing and is 20 gallons as opposed to the Hefty 11 gallon size I’d used the first time around. Both are see through blue with handles.The Hefty bag offers a plastic zipper closing, a little turqoise feature that locs you’re bag without the fuss of trying to match up the lines the other brand has. Both brands offer protection from dust, dirt, bugs and weather.

We are tiling three rooms. We have to empty the rooms and closets. I was able to store the bedspread,comforter, pillows, pillow shams, throw pillows, sheets, mattress cover, dust ruffle as well as the bathroom towels and mats from the adjoining bathroom in the Zip loc 20 gallon bag. It was amazing. Using this sytem unpacking each room wil l be a breeze as I could keep each rooms items together.

Anyone involved in kids sports can use these bags to either the Hefty or Ziploc to transport all that muddy equipment from field to field without getting your car dirty. You can stuff these bags full of soccer balls, cleats, footballs, helmets, bats or whatever and just toss the bag in your trunk.

We are doing our seasonal move up North. My husband is trailoring a boat. This means a lot of items I’m sending up there will be exposed to the elemnts. With the Hefty and Zip loc Big Bag systems everything will be safe from the road and the elements.

Use these to organize your basement, garage or attic.

Both brand of Big Bags are great for storing:

Linens and pillows
Seasonal clothing
Holdiay decorations
Sports equipment
Sleeping Bags
Books and photo albums
School supplies
Office supplies

The Zip loc site claims their closing is the tightest seal ever. The say these are the strongest, most versatile bags created.

The Zip loc bag does not use BPA (bisphenol A (a chemcical that encourages prostate cancer) in its plastic products. Ziploc does not contain Dioxin.

Zip loc is also available in L or XL sizes for varying needs. Ziploc is 20 gallons /2 feet by 2.7 feet Price:$3.99

Go to for more information.

The Hefty bag XL-4 by comparison ,has that storage slider which I like so much. No need to pinch and press to to make ends meet. It’s also heavy duty has handles and is clear blue but you get 4 bags and pay $5.25. When you consider the price of plastic storage bins both bags are reasonable and offer “scrunchability.

Hefty measures: 11 gallons/ 2.1 foot x 1.7 foot Price $5.25

Go to for more information.

I would give both bags a 5 star rating.


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