Plexus Slim: Health and Weight Loss or a Bottle of False Promises

Let me start off by saying I’ve never been skinny. I have been a well proportioned girl my entire life, whether I was wearing a size 16 or a size 8. I am curvaceous and have a enviable bra size, which has usually allowed me to be fairly comfortable with my size. I am a mother of four, and I have usually bounced right back into my curvy size 12 jeans, that is, until my fourth son was born.

After my fourth child was born my husband and I decided that this would be our last child and I had a tubal ligation. A couple of weeks later I was called in for surgery after some complications related to my pregnancy. I was already a size 12 when I went in for my surgery, but after I got home from the hospital my abdomen was swollen. I thought it would go away, but it didn’t. I just continued to gain weight. No matter what I ate or how often I ate I just kept getting bigger.

I ended up a size 18/20 within an eight month period. I was miserable with how I looked, and after a few months of dieting, exercising, taking diet pills and teas I gave up. A girlfriend of mine stopped by to see me and she had lost an incredible amount of weight since I had seen her last, less than two months before that day’s visit. I must admit I was jealous, because I assumed that she was working out or doing something dreadfully hard that I wouldn’t be able to do. When I asked her she told me about this diet she was on called Plexus Slim.

She explained that it was formulated to help people suffering from type 2 diabetes or who were pre-diabetic. It balances the blood sugar, and after the glucose levels are regulated in the blood the body starts to perform more naturally. The glands and organs start functioning as they were designed to. Some functions of the glands and organs are ridding the body of toxins, including stored fat, which is an unhealthy substance in the body.

I was sold. I signed up as a preferred customer to receive a little bit of a discount. As I waited for it to arrive that same friend posted up a picture of herself just a week after I’d seen her and I could already see the changes she’d achieved in just one weeks time. I immediately called her to compliment her. I told her about all the people I knew who would kill for results like hers. She suggested I sell it. It was only $35.00 to sign up so I went for it.

I got the package in the mail, took my before picture and started taking my Plexus Slim immediately. I had signed up as an Ambassador to sell Plexus Slim myself, and although I originally started taking it to lose weight I was primarily focusing on getting the word out that I had it available for sell. I hadn’t had very much luck selling it and almost two weeks after starting my Plexus Slim I was very discouraged about my investment. I sought help from my Plexus team, and someone suggested that I take a two week before and after picture.

It had only been twelve days, and I didn’t feel any different. I was nearly depressed until I uploaded my after picture to my computer and compared my two pictures side by side. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I had been spending so much time trying to get my new business going that I never paid attention to what mattered enough to get me to buy Plexus Slim in the first place. I couldn’t believe the difference between the first and the second picture. I was shocked at how many inches around my waist were gone. I have had more energy than I am used to having, and I realized that my level of patience had increased. My house is cleaner than it’s been since before I had my two youngest children, and I am even sleeping better. None of these changes became apparent until I saw those before and after pictures. I was giddy.

I have made some extra money since I have been selling it, and I love representing a product that has worked for me, but the only thing that brings tears to my eyes are my results. For the first time in what feels like forever, I am able to lose weight. I haven’t started regular exercises yet, but I have played some games with my kids that got my heart pumping. I am now at a size 15/16 and tomorrow will be the 30th day I have been taking it. I didn’t consider such a dramatic change would take place this rapidly. My appetite has decreased, and I’m not always craving the fattening foods like I was last month. It’s an amazing product!

If Plexus Slim hadn’t worked for me then this review would have been written reflecting that. I enjoy reviewing products that have cost me my hard earned money, and if the product fails to impress me I feel privileged to inform readers before they make the mistake to buy it hoping for the results I was also expecting. That’s just not the case with Plexus Slim, and I am beyond pleased with it and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight or just regulate the body’s blood glucose to discard toxins or lower blood pressure and cholesterol. I am happy. They have a sixty day money back guarantee, and I understand now why they do. It’s because of all the people I know who are using Plexus Slim, no one has ever asked for a refund.


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