Prayer Steps to Serenity: The Book I Read Again and Again

When I read an review for Prayer Steps to Serenity the Twelve Steps Journey that said, “This book saved my life and my family,” I was skeptical. After reading some other book reviews, I took a chance and bought the book. I am glad I did! The book showed me the best and easiest ways to make the changes in my life that I needed to make. The book gave me the assurance that with God’s help I could change in areas where I had failed time and again. Because the book includes daily readings through each of the 12 Steps and The Serenity Prayer, I now read it every day. If I could only have two books in my library, or take only two books on vacation, I would choose the Bible and Prayer Steps to Serenity.

I am not in a recovery program, and I do not feel that I need one, but I have learned so much from Prayer Steps to Serenity about practicing the 12 Steps and applying The Serenity Prayer to my life daily that I am beginning to see how a reviewer could write: “This book saved my life and my family.” The book teaches how to apply the 12 Steps to every area of your life, and when I feel as though I am losing control, I remember what I have learned from Prayer Steps to Serenity and work through my problems through prayer and reliance on God.

I did some online research and saw how some Serenity Groups study the book each week in their meetings. It became clear to me how those in A.A., Al-Anon, N.A., O.A. and other recovery fellowships could use Prayer Steps to Serenity and Serenity Groups to supplement their specific recovery programs. (I also discovered that there is a new version of the book, Prayer Steps to Serenity the Twelve Steps Journey: New Serenity Prayer Edition. I’m hoping to find it in the library one of these days).

One of the major strengths I have found in Prayer Steps to Serenity is the book’s focus on the 12 Steps (and not some other or more recent program that promises recovery). The 12 Steps of AA, which has been adapted to other programs, such as Al-Anon or NA, is a time-tested proved program of recovery that has helped millions achieve and maintain sobriety. I would rather use the 12 Steps and pray The Serenity Prayer to solve my problems than try something new and unproven (even if it does claim to come from the Bible). From my reading and study, Prayer Steps to Serenity takes the best teachings from the 12 Steps and from the Bible; therefore, the book really helps people change the things they can change and find peace of mind in the midst of their troubles. It will help anyone with any addiction, compulsion, or obsession. I highly recommend Prayer Steps to Serenity. I have come to understand how someone could write, “This book saved my life and my family.”


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