Princess Diana Had a Profound Belief in Psychics and the Occult

Princess Diana would have been concerned if she had been aware of Edward Williams’s police documents and dire premonition of his impending death just days before his death. The Prince of Wales had a fascination with the occult and the paranormal and was introduced to various psychics, astrologers, and fortune tellers from a young age, including Penny Thornton, Diana, and Sarah Ferguson from his sister in 1986.

Although Thornton was the prince’s personal astrologer for 6 years, Diana also consulted with astrologer Betty Palco for several years in the early 1990s and was replaced by astrologer Debbie Frank. Diana’s horoscopes were full of uncertain concerns about men, lies and her husband’s adultery.

There was also Simon Simmons, a psychic doctor and one of Princess Diana’s best friends and confidants, Rita Rogers, a psychic, and another doctor, Oonagh Shanley-Toffolo, an Irish nurse who was also an acupuncturist, and treated Diana and Prince William.

The Princess of Wales believed that her dead paternal grandmother, the Countess of Spencer, was guarding her beyond the grave. Lately the Countess had been Elizabeth’s lady-in-waiting, the Queen Mother, and Diana believed that this was a subtle influence that often helped her survive life as a Royal Family. He called her “my protector.”

Diana is receptive and curious about all the so-called New Age beliefs. He believed in special powers emanating from crystals and often wore one. She specializes in Feng Shui and T’ai Chi.

In that spring and early summer of 1997, his curiosity found him reading the much-publicized ‘Bible Code’. much could be said about the phenomenon.

The Bible Code, written by former Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Drosnin, was published in May 1997. Diana, like thousands of other people, was captivated and initially impressed by published examples of alleged historical predictions. According to the premise of the book, when God provided the first five books of the Old Testament, he omitted the prophecies in the codex, i.e.: the fifth letter in the sentence formed a word.

True believers and supporters of Drosnin said that “no other book contains these codes” and the inclusion of these letters in the Bible was unique.

Critics who reason from the beginning, such as mathematicians, can be found everywhere in codes, and almost never written down.

But Drosnin rejected such speculation and was quoted in the June 9, 1997, edition of Newsweek as saying: “When my critics find the news about the assassination of the prime minister written in Moby Dick, I believe.

So, using critical computers, they caused a lot of pain to Drosnin and Princess Diana.

Not only did the unbelievers find the amazing ‘coded messages’ in Moby Dick, they repeated the events listed by the messages, and where to find them in war and peace! Mathematicians explain that such “codes” are the result of a random selection, when millions of letters in the text are examined in a significant way. It is simply the law of probability.

In Moby Dick, experts have proven that they can find “codes” that predict the famous killers. For example, the leader of the Soviet Legion, Trotsky, was killed with an ice pick. In Moby Dick’s code it reads: “Ice, hammer, hammer, spear head.” Martin Luther King‘s death code reads “killed by them, prepare death, gun, servants. done. ” Even the assassination of John F. Kennedy can be found by noting “Kennedy shot in the head”.

Diana’s bosom was broken and her faith in the Code of the Bible was broken. She did not miss any lesson about discrediting the Bible Code while on board the Jonikal.

However, as concerned as the Prince of Wales would have been if he had had Edward Williams’s prediction of his death at Mount Ash Police, he would probably have been stunned into disbelief a few months later, when he was one of the most complex of the matrix. crossword “codes” predicting the future event found in the pages of Moby Dick: “Lady… Diana… royal. … I gave…Henri Paul


  • Copyright © 2006 by Timothy B. Benford

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