Product Review: Watersorb & Soilmoist Super Absorbent Soil Crystals

Several companies are manufacturing “super” water absorbing crystals. The two mentioned in this article bear the brand names “Soilmoist” and “Wastersorb”. Both have done equally well for their purpose.

Super crystals are small, crystalline polymers originally used in gardens and potting plants. The idea is to mix the crystals into the soil, when planting inside or outside, in the ground or in containers, to help with water retention . reduce the frequency of drinking. For those of us who can’t seem to remember to water regularly, these crystals are excellent.

Watersorb and Soilmoist polymer crystals absorb water when the plant is irrigated, absorbing 200 times its weight in water. Over time, as the water exhales or is used by the plant, the crystals slowly release their hold, eventually to retract. in its original size, until it was wetted again. The water released into the ground is used by the plant.

These polymers also seem to be useful if you tend to over-water your plants, as their job is to absorb excess water, standing water in overwater potting soil and helping to avoid root rot. When water is needed again, the crystals begin to release it.

The cycle of absorbing and dissolving water in soil crystals helps plants in other ways. Each contraction of the soil leaves a small crystal void in the soil, allowing plant root aeration and improved root health (much the same as earthworms they do). This action keeps the soil from becoming too compacted, which is especially beneficial for spotted plants.

The polymer crystals are soil-safe and non-toxic, and are said to last for years before disintegrating. These attributes are what prompted the manufacturers to use something less neck and head cooling connections to become “juice packs” (Air fresheners ) and fake snow.

People who have used crystal headbands and neckbands swear by them as a way to cool off in heat . Working in plant applications, water absorbing crystals slowly release water to cool the head or back of the neck, but do not drip, and the evaporative process cools the body.

Both brands seem to work equally well for artistic purposes. Both companies offer commercially available versions of their products, but you can use commercially available crystals if they are more readily available to you. The difference, according to the company, is that the ground crystals sold for craft use are pre-sorted, and the crystals they buy are the same size. This helps when you are using water absorbing crystals on artifacts that will be rubbed (such as neck coolers) because if the contents have many pieces in them, the piece can become quite thin the first few times it gets wet. Figuring out the smallest pieces of solve this problem.

Water absorbent soil crystals are a great help in the garden and keeping house plants. If you find it difficult to maintain a regular schedule of re-potting and watering your plants, give these crystals a try. They will return your efforts and help to keep your plants healthy. For their artistic talent, check out their skills and give them a try!


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