Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana

Pros of the Legalization of Marijuana

-Marijuana has many health benefits for people with diseases like cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. It can help lessen the pain for people with the diseases and for people undergoing chemotherapy. This has led to a strong movement for the legalization of marijuana strictly for medicinal purposes.

-Crime rates will plummet. America’s jail are full and American tax payers must pay a ton in taxes to keep these jails running. However, nearly 40% of everyone in jail, are in for possession of marijuana. If marijuana was legalized these inmates would be let out and our jails would clear up so that we could put the criminals who have done more serious crimes in there. Also we would be saving a lot of money which would be great considering one of greatest political issues now is too much spending.

-The Legalization of marijuana would make many american jobs. Marijuana farms would spring up around America. Since it would be used in lotion, shampoo, soap, medicine, herbal drinks, and simply recreational use, there would be a high demand for marijuana. Also it would cut back prices on many of these items. Prehaps the biggest place it would be used is paper. Marijunana can be used as a subbstitute for trees. This would make many ecofriendly people happy, however it would not get rid of lumber companies as lumber is still used for furniture and many other things.

Cons of the Legalization of Marijuana

-There are many complaints in today’s society about what tobacco and alchohol companies do to lure people into buying their products. People do want this happenign with marijuana as well. Alchohol and tobacco products are a big problem among youth, it is illegal for people inder the age of 18 to have tobacco and 21 for alchol yet they still easily get ahold of it. If we already have all the problems with those why add more to it and make it a bigger problem.

-Marijuana does have medical benefits for people with high amounts of stress, depression, cancer, and AIDS, however it also has negative health effects. It kills brain cells over time and can become addictive. This leads many people against saying why legalize something that kills when we already have alchohol and tobacco thats a problem.

-In America there are a lot of car accidents, assaults(both physical and sexual), murders, and many more crime all caused by alchohol. Alchohol is a depressant and puts people in a different state of mind making them do things they normally wouldn’t or being more careless. Marijuana also puts people in a different state of mind. The legalization of marijuana would give people much more access to it and increasze these problems. DUIs would shoot up with people being under the influence of alcohol and marijuana now.

-Marijuana is seen as the stepping stone drug. While everyone who smokes marijuana doesn’t do heavier, hard core, illegal drugs it usually helps the people who do lead up to those. Most people don’t do cocaine or meth as their first experience with drugs, they start with the simplest marijuana. Then one things lead to another and people’s lives, and the lives of others around them, are at a big risk.

Balanced Politics

Dream Team Money

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