Quick and Easy Craft Projects

Troop and church group leaders, teachers, day care providers, grandparents and parents can benefit from having a list of fun, easy and quick craft projects for kids of all ages. The best craft projects are those created with items found around the house. Making craft projects together is fun and gives children a sense of accomplishment.

Coffee Filter Butterfly or Flower

Coffee filters make beautiful butterflies. Use washable markers and water color paints to decorate a filter. The color from will spread on the coffee filter, creating a soft design. Then pinch the coffee filter in the middle and secure it with a pipe cleaner, crafts stick, straw or any other item that makes a good butterfly center.

Coffee filters with color added make a nice flower garden. Several colored coffee filters with stems can be placed in a vase to create a permanent flower arrangement.

Spray the coffee filters with a misting of water to get the colors to run. The colors will mix together and form new colors. The design will take on a different appearance after it is misted with water.

Paper Plate Flowers or Mask

Paper plates are the basis for many fun, easy and quick crafts. Painted or decorated paper plates form the center of flowers, animals, and faces.

Create a mask out of a paper plate by cutting out eyeholes and attaching a string on both sides to tie it around the child’s face. Add hair by using yarn, paper, Spanish moss, string and other items. Create the face by drawing on the plate or gluing on other objects.

Noodle Necklace or Mosaic

To make a necklace or bracelet, string with macaroni or other shaped noodles on yarn or string. Make sure the necklace and bracelet are large enough to get over the child’s head or hand.

Use a piece of heavy construction paper or tag board and white glue to create a mosaic of different noodles. Animals, people, vehicles and outdoor scenes are excellent subjects. Abstract designs allow the child to create a freeform mosaic. To help the child create a particular item, first draw an outline on the paper.

Construction Paper Mask

Construction paper is a very versatile item that can be used in many craft projects. The construction paper can be drawn on, cut, folded and secured to other items to create interesting objects. Creating a mask out of construction paper will help the child learn proportion. The mask can either be flat or folded down the center lengthwise which will give it some depth. The face is drawn on or cut pieces of construction paper or other objects are glued to the surface using white glue. The folded mask can be trimmed at the corners to make a long oval face. The top and bottom edge of the mask can be stapled to give it a three dimensional appearance.


Amazing Moms: Sparkly Princess Mosaic
Creative Kids at Home: Colored Butterflies (using markers)


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