Quick Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

If you find yourself running out of the house every day without eating breakfast, you may be setting yourself up for a day of unhealthy eating. Without breakfast in hand, the fast-food restaurant or coffee shop on the way to work may tempt you to stop and buy something that you’ll later regret eating.

There are ways to have a quick, easy and healthy, if not small breakfast on the way to work, or to drop off the kids, or to wherever it is you are dashing off. By having the following basic and handy breakfast items on hand, you will be more likely to eat breakfast, and start your day off right.


Many fresh fruits make for a quick, easy and healthy breakfast. An apple is one of the least expensive and most quick breakfast foods around. They are also one of the fruit that is abundant year-round. Apples not only make a quick breakfast, they are also a good source of Vitamin C, and of dietary fiber. Apples are low in cholesterol and saturated fat.


Think of the banana as nature’s gift to you health. A banana is by its very nature portable and easy to eat on the go. Some popular diet plans have the banana on the “no” list because of their natural sugar content, but a banana is nutritious and healthy, and for some dieters is a perfectly acceptable food. Bananas are very low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and Sodium. The banana also provides dietary fiber, Vitamin C, manganese and potassium. Bananas are rich in Vitamin B6, which helps with energy.


When they are in season, a small bag of fresh blueberries make a very easy on-the-go breakfast that is also healthy. Blueberries also provide Vitamin K, Vitamin C, manganese and fiber.

Cereal, No Milk

Cereal is healthy, and without the milk, it just becomes a quick and easy breakfast option. Prepare a few snack size or sandwich size bags the night before, or purchase the boxes of cereal. Stick with healthy cereals that are easy to eat with your hands, including Cheerios and Total. Total is one of the most nutrient-rich cereals on the market. Whatever you don’t finish will also make a fine and nutritious mid-afternoon snack.

Granola and Nuts

Another quick and healthy breakfast is a simple bag of granola and nuts. Either purchase a box of granola cereal, or buy from the bulk bins in the health food section of a grocery store, or in any health food store. Add nuts and or dried fruit to taste.

Hard-boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs can be prepared in advance, making them and easy and quick breafast. Grab or one two eggs, peel them for convenience, and you’re off. Eggs are also a healthy option, as they contain choline, which aids in brain function. (New Scientist) If you are worried about cholesterol, just eat the whites.

Nutri-Grain Waffles

Stay away from the buttermilk and original flavors, and go for the healthy waffles. Store brands also make nutri-grain waffles or multi-grain waffles, not just brand names. Pop two plain or fruited nutri-grain Waffles in the toaster oven while you grab your keys, laptop, cell phone or lunch. The fruited waffles are the best to eat plain, without any butter or syrup. Wrap them in a papertowel. They are easy enough to eat at stop lights.

Peanut butter Sandwich

What could be more easy and quick than a peanut butter or peanut butter and jelly sandwich. A protein-rich peanut butter sandwich is healthy, espeically wehn made with whole wheat or multi-grain bread, not white bread, for a nutritious breakfast.

Yogurt Shake or Smoothie

Purchase healthy pre-made smoothies from the dairy section (check the sugar content first), or make your own at home.

Eating breakfast every day, even when you have to dash out of the house, is not difficult. Finding a quick, easy and healthy breakfast just takes some pre-planning a well-stocked kitchen.

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