Quick Tips for More Effective Telephone Sales

It’s not easy to sell over the phone. However, it is often one of the first ways a home-based business can look for potential clients and sell a product or service to an out-of-town client. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to use the phone effectively, before, during and after the actual call.

Start Before Calling
Your prospect or sales call is not a friendly chat with a friend. It’s just like any other sales presentation. The only difference is that you don’t do it face to face, you do it over the phone. This is what makes it more challenging to make an in-person sales pitch.

In face-to-face sales proposals, whether it’s through agencies or cold calls, you can see who’s presenting to you and judge their reaction through facial expressions and body language. This allows you to organize your presentation. You also have the advantage of being able to use sales letters and resources to share your leads.

Over the phone, it’s voice against voice. Unless you can use both your computer and your website as a presentation aid,

Usually with personal sales presentations, the prospect will show you the courtesy to complete your presentation. On the phone, it is easy to either hang up or end the conversation abruptly by saying ‘another important call is on the other line’.

This is why preparation is so critical to a successful phone sale. You need to be organized and have everything you need at your fingertips so you can control the conversation and close the sale or issue. for personal sales presentation.
Here are 10 tips that will help you sell more on the phone:

Prepare for each Call
Decide what is the one response or outcome you want to achieve. Depending on your product and industry, the results are usually: Prospects researched on who the decision makers are; Appointment setting in-person sales presentation;
Making a sales proposal by telephone; Getting buy-in information;
Order a job or project or submit an RFP; They close the vein on the phone.

You call the Research Society or the People
Go online and search for the company you are calling. This is the easiest way, how your work or works can benefit them. It shows that you are intelligent and a problem solver…two key qualities every business looks for in a developer. It will also keep you from learning from unproductive time, unproductive leads and calls. It’s time to remember the money!

I know what you’re going to say… No Script
One of the biggest draws for someone who answers the phone is reading a well-written script. How do you feel when they pick up the phone and hear:

Hello Ms. Smith, I am Tammy White from All American Extermination and Rodent Control Company and I offer a special offer to help you get rid of unwanted cock roaches, palmetto bugs, ticks, ants, mice, rats, snakes and other bugs that get into everyone’s home…

Tammy’s canned sales pitch…it’s written so creatively and graphically…you’ll never want to listen to it…especially when you and your family are sitting down to dinner. The answer is that you probably just pushed the phone and want to exterminate Tammy’s company along with the roach!

All American Exterminators and Poor Salespeople Tammy didn’t put her best foot forward with the telemarketing script.

Now, finally, you are 15 seconds away from your best foot forward
First impressions are permanent. The first 15 seconds of your conversation make a stronger impression of you and the company and determine whether or not the person you call continues to speak with you.

Instead of taking an all-American extermination approach, start with the benefit of organizing a similar approach:

“Hello Ms. Smith, Sally from All American Exterminator. We have greeted other homeowners in your neighborhood who have spent thousands of dollars on pest control around their yards and homes. . And we do it more efficiently than the companies we used in the past. We want to help you do the same. Is this the time to speak nicely or rationally to be a more comfortable one? ”

The direct breakout gave you two compelling benefits – you save and a more efficient service. She also confirmed with what her company was doing for others in your area. And finally, he offered you the choice of talking about it now, either if it wasn’t convenient for you, or calling you back at the time you designate, or arranging to stop at your house and present it to you in person.

Whose initial presentation would you rather hear Tammy’s or Sally’s?

Make the call from the right place
Call from a place where you won’t be distracted or interrupted… like your home office. Don’t call from the kitchen when you’re cooking dinner or from your car in rush hour traffic. The background noise is annoying and it’s hard for you to focus. Calling from a LAN line rather than from a cell phone also ensures greater clarity of voice transmission. No one should or should know that you are not called from the corner office of the office tower or industrial. After all the product is yours and you are selling the boat.

Make a call on time.
Try to schedule calls at a time that is right for you and the person you are calling. Don’t call from the kitchen when the kids are running school. This is not the best time to give your undivided attention to the customer on the phone. Also, try to call at the right time for the person you are calling. If you are calling an executive, you are not allowed to call at lunch time. Be sure not to call the shop at lunchtime or on Saturday morning. Remember how you feel when a telemarketer interrupts your family dinner!

Custody Short Call
It’s time to call a precious person. It’s just so precious to you. Be friendly, professional and efficient without being ear-biting.

Use your website
You can’t show them a brochure over the phone, but if you call someone in the office with a computer, you have an even better web tool… Remember you have and don’t be afraid to use them as part of a sales pitch made on the phone.

Deliver what you promised
If you promise to send a sales kit or proposal today, do it. If you’re going to return the price on Thursday, make it happen. Never promise anything you can’t deliver.

Make the Gatekeeper Your Friend and Partner
Receptionists, secretaries, assistants, managers and other subordinate boutique assistants are the “gatekeepers” who give you entry or keep it from reaching the decision maker who decides whether or not to buy your product.

Ask the names of the gatekeepers and you will remember them. I always greeted them by name, and I’m going to charge them. They do the same to you

Remember the golden rule
When selling over the phone, always remember the golden rule and you won’t go wrong;

Sell ​​to others as you want them to sell to you.

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