Quotations for Mother’s Day

“The name of God is a mother in the mouth and heart of the little ones.”

-William Makepeace Thackeray

I admit to being a bit of a dog procrastinator. I have several notebooks filled with all my favorite testimonies and over the last four years, most of the words I have written are about mothers and motherhood. Motherhood takes on a whole new dimension once your firstborn is cradled in your arms. I love and respect my mother, but when I became a mother, I saw mom in a whole new light. Finding the right words to tell him this made it harder.

If you’re looking for just the right quote about Mother’s Day, here are some of my favorite quotes. The categories are Bible Quotations, Emotions, and Funny Rejoinders.

Mothers Day Quotes- Biblical Quotations

Many beautiful examples of motherhood are found in the Bible. Eve, the first mother; Anna, blessed with a barren son; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and the Apostle also, the mother of Timothy, and his grandmother were believed in the Scriptures. Picking out just one sentence about your mother can take a little digging in the Bible, but here are a few verses to help you.

Commandment Exodus 20:12
“Honor your father and your mother, that you may live long in the land which the Lord your God is going to give you.”

Love and care for mother-in-law 1:16-17

And Ruth said: Do not urge me to leave you or to withdraw from you: and where you go I will go, and where you live I will stay: your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die, I will die and be buried there

This is commonly used with spouses. In fact, I have this writing engraved on my husband’s hand But it all began with Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi. There are so many jokes about mother-in-law, but I know a few of you are great! I know.

Woman Power. Proverbs 31:28-29

“Her sons rise up and proclaim the most blessed; her husband also praises her: “Many women make a noble, but you conquer all.”

This beautiful Good advice written in Proverbs from mother to son. In this, the popular “virtuous woman”, the speech is proposed and this is where we find the verses listed above.

Faith of our Mother II Timothy 1:5

“I am convinced of your sincere faith, which lived before in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and now also lives in you.”

The apostle Paul writes to Timothy in this place for his protection. He mentions the women who raised Timothy as pious, faithful women, and worthy of confession. Much has been speculated about these women, but one thing is very clear – women are not mentioned in the Bible unless it was significant. There are so many unnamed mothers, but it seems that Lois and Eunice went ahead and trained young people in the faith above Timothy.

Mother’s Day Quotes- Emotional Meaning

Moms of Young Children

When you’re a mother, you’re never really alone in your thoughts. A mother must always think twice, once for herself and once for her child. -Sophia Loren

A decent mother makes you the mother of all children. From now on, each of you is a wounded, despondent, frightened child. Sorrowful mothers of every race live and symbol and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate. -Charlotte Grey

Women know the right way to bring up children. They know how to tie a simple, pleasant, tender nail to a belt, to fit shoes, and to string beautiful voices without meaning. And kissing the full sense of empty words. Barrett Browning

A mother’s heart is a child’s school. -Henry Ward Beecher

Making a decision about having a child is important. He decides to have a heart that walks outside of your body forever. Elizabeth Stone

The best academy is on the mother’s knee. -James Russell Lowell

Full-time motherhood is one of the highest wages … of which the reward is pure love. -Mildred B. Vermont.

Immediately the child is born, and the mother is born. Which I never did before. She was a woman, but never a mother. A mother is something completely new. -Rajneesh

Don’t you understand human nature unless you know why a child goes around in hilarity. will always fluctuate in his parents – and why his parents are always empty. -William D. Tammeus

Moms of adult children

A man loves his girlfriend best, his wife the best, and his mother the longest. -Irish Proverb

The longing of a mother loves the presence of a beloved child even in a base man. -George Eliot

We have a mother as our truest friend, when severe and sudden troubles fall upon us; when adversity succeeds success; when the friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine have forsaken us, while tribulations press around us, he will still stick to us, and with his commands and counsels will try to dispel the clouds of darkness and restore peace to our hearts.’ -Washington Irving

Whatever I am or ever will be, I owe to my Angel Mother. -Abraham Lincoln

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. I owe everything to my mother. I attribute all my happiness in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.George Washington

Now … my kids are grown, I understand how much work and love it takes to bring a family together. Your example of courage, devotion, and patience has already wavered through the ages. Thank you! ~ Forest of Houtenschil

Where we love is the country – a home where our feet may retreat, but not our hearts. -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

A mother’s heart is a deep abyss, at the bottom of which you will always find revenge. -Honor de Balzac

Miscellaneous/General Mom Quotes
O comfort, the ineffable comfort of feeling secure in a man, neither weighing thoughts nor measuring words, but pouring out all things as they are, chaff and grain. it is certain that the hand of the faithful will grasp and sift, to maintain a worthy guard, and with a breath of mercy to cut off the rest. -Dinah Craik.

My mother is an eternal song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. Sometimes I may forget the words, but I always remember the honey. ~Graycie Harmon

Every mother is like Moses. He does not enter the promised land. She prepares the worldit will not see. -Pap

No gift to your mother can ever match the gift to you – life. -Without a name

A hundred dews greeting the dawn;
A hundred bees in a purple flower;
A hundred butterflies in the meadow,
However, a single parent traveled the world. -George Cooper

If I had one flower every time I think of you, I could always walk in my garden. -Attributed to Claudia Ghandi

He gave the sweetest sounds to mortals
They are heard in mother, home, and heaven. -William Goldsmith Brown

All mothers work mothers. -Author Marcus Tullius

Mother – she was the bank where we deposited all our losses and worries. -T. DeWitt Talmage

Are we not like two volumes of one book? -Marceline Desbordes-Valmore?

Every day of our lives A Strong Family

This heart, my dear parent, bends;
-Thomas Moore -Thomas Moore with true instinct of love it brings back to you!

Mother’s Day Quotes- Funny Rejoinders

It is the suburban mother’s duty to stop the children once and the cars forever. -Peter De Vries.

The woman in the house has not yet lost her dignity, although Mother’s Day, with the shocking implication our love needs the annual naked, like our ardor for the battle of Bunker Hill. – John Erskine

It’s a Freudian slip when you say otherwise, but it means mother. -Author Unknown

sweater, n. – Ambrose Bierce

All women become like mothers. that is his own tragedy. No one does. That’s his. -Oscar Wilde from Momentum Entis Arrha

Mothers are more greedy than fathers of their children, because they are more certain of themselves. – Aristotle.

A man’s work is from sun to sun, but a mother’s work is never done. -Author Marcus Tullius

Children are a great comfort in your old age – and they help you get there faster too. -Leonellus Kauffman

There is one handsome boy in the world, and he has every mother. -Chinese Proverb

Set a good example for your children with all the sports from the middle ages. William Feather, The Business of Life

I hope you feel the same way about your dear mother this holiday. If not, you might want to try these lines from Foresta Houtenschil: “On I wrote a poem for you.”

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