Raising Ducks in Your Backyard

Raising duck pets is certainly not the norm, however, ducks make great pets. They are trainable, live up to 25 years, are very friendly, and good with children. There are just a few things to know about ducks in order to have a successful experience.

Raising ducks
First thing to do is check the zoning restrictions in your neighborhood. Many areas and homeowner associations do not allow ducks because they are classified as farm poultry. If you live in small towns or more rural areas, this is more than likely not a problem. You can locate the restrictions on your preliminary title in the Covenant, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs) section, or in your homeowner association documents.

Which duck breeds are best for the backyard?
The best ducks to choose are those with short wings. The two top domestic breeds are Indian Runner ducks and Khaki Campbells. If you select another breed, you may have to clip their wings each year in order to keep them from flying away. Both of these breeds also have the best consistent egg production which are great for either eating or incubating ducklings.

Duck house plans
You will need to build a small enclosed yard and fully enclosed pen with a roof. It is imperative that ducks are kept in an enclosed, roofed pen at night or they become subject to any night predators such as owls, raccoons, opossums, coyotes, etc. One of the easiest enclosed duck houses is not typically used for ducks–but for dogs. Purchase a chain link enclosed dog pen, including the shade cover, and these make perfect.

The ducks can be let out during the day to roam free if the yard is enclosed or you live in a rural setting.Ducks will keep your yard free of bugs; however, they also like tender plants. If you have landscape they may eat, keep them in their separate yard.

Caring for and feeding ducks
Ducks feed on poultry pellets that can be purchased in 50-pound bags from feed stores for under $20. The younger ducks will eat “duck mash” until they are about six to nine months old. It is much finer meal than the pellets.

Ducks need heat if the temperatures dip below freezing. This can be from a large heat lamp placed in their pen. They are very resilient though.

Ducks need a large pan of fresh water for cleaning and drinking. It is not necessary to have a pond, however. One of the best receptacles is a small black pond liner from the garden store.

Duck habits
Ducks are very social. They need to have other ducks. Purchase at least two or three together. Buying ducklings make them easier to tame. If you purchase adults, it will take them awhile to get used to you.

Buy only one male and the rest females. It will save you problems when spring comes and males tend to fight for the females. Ducks can get very vicious with one another (not with humans however).

Raising ducks in your backyard gives the feel of having your own park. They are comical and entertaining to watch. They are also friendly and fun to have around. They are easy to care for and can be left alone in their pen for the weekend as long as they have food and water. They are relatively quiet pets too. If you are considering buying a pet, you, may want to consider having backyard ducks.

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