Random Fun Facts: You Never Knew You Wanted to Know

Here are a few random facts that you might find interesting, or at least get a kick out of. I just thought they were kind of funny and decided to share.

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day – Ever hear of a Cat nap?

Most suicides happen on Mondays – Everyone hates Mondays, this is just another reason

Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners – No really it is

The Elephant is the only animal with 4 knees – That’s two more then me or you, at least I hope so

The Word Goodbye come from “God By” which is from “May God be with you” – Cool

The plastic things on the end of your shoelace is called an “aglet” – Thank the Lord, now I can sleep at night

Every human upon being conceived spent at least half an hour as a single cell – everything has to start somewhere

Nobody know who built the Taj Mahal – Probably the same people that built pyramids, aliens!

On average there are 178 sesame seeds on a Big Mac bun – who would take the time to count?

Children typically grow more during the Springtime then any other season – Makes sense to me, everything else get’s bigger so why not us?

The United States has nerve once lost a war in which mules were used – Then let’s ship some over to Iraq

Dueling is legal in Paraguay, as long as both parties are registered blood donors – so everyone wins, even if you lose you have the satisfaction of saving another life

Cats can hear ultra sound – but not our thoughts, thanks goodness

The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a dead sheep – eww! That’s just gross!

Beatrix Potter created the first in her legendary series “Peter Rabbit” in 1902 – that’s 105 years ago!

If you were born with a crooked nose in ancient Rome it was considered a sign of leadership – darn it! My nose is straight

Revolvers are impossible to silence due to the expulsion of gasses at the rear of the gun – so don’t use it to hunt dear, it will scare them away

The Legendary Monster Nessi of Lock Ness is said to be able to swim at 18 to 20 knots – pretty fast for an old girl

The Largemouth Bass is actually smaller then the Smallmouth Bass – that’s just dumb if you ask me

Nintendo almost sold out to Atari in the early 1980’s but their offer was rejected – wow, someone got fired!

Iceland has some of the worlds most frequent volcanic activity – shake rattle and roll, Icelanian style!

SOS in mores code does not stand for Save our Ship it is simply the shortest combination of three letters in the code – I like to think it stands for Save our Ship though

The average human being in a lifetime walks the equivalent of five times around the earth’s equate – no wonder we sleep for a quarter of our lives

The average American keeps their car for only 2 or 3 years – I have had mine for 4…. Honey! We need a new car!

Most people burn more calories sleeping then watching TV – So my new diet includes 12 hours of sleep, oh yeah!

If you travel from London to New York via Concord by crossing time zones you’ll arrive 2 hours before you left – Then you have to go back and kill yourself to save the future

Charlie Brown’s father was a barber – and here I always thought he was a public speaker

The average person makes 1,140 phone calls a year – my wife makes more then three average people combined… *sigh

Purple is the color of royalty – not anymore, if I saw Bush wearing purple I’d laugh my head off… well I do that anyways when he talks so it would just add to the hilarity.

Stressed is dessert spelled backwards – …I tried it, it works

American car horns are in the tone of F – So remember that when you toot your own horn

The human body replaces 98% of its atoms each year – Science at work

In a deck of playing cards the king of hearts is the only king without a mustache – The Queen complained

For every person in the United States there are two credit cards – Cha Ching!

Mario from super Mario Brothers for the NES was originally known as Jumpman from the 1981 arcade game Donkey Kong – Mamma Mia!

Hope you found this interesting, just some random useless facts in case your ever on a game show, like who want’s to be a millionaire or 1 Vs 100 something like that speaking of game shows…. well I’ll leave that for another time.

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