Reflexology and Pregnancy

Reflexology is most commonly known as acupuncture and has been around for well over four thousand years; generally practiced by the Chinese and finally made its way to our part of the world in the early 1900’s. A trained and licensed practitioner applies pressure to certain pressure points on the body; generally the feet and hands, to help reduce and eliminate stress that may be causing the patient unnecessary stress in their lives.

The benefits to reflexology during pregnancy are said to help relieve bouts of morning sickness, backaches associated with pregnancy, and even the retention of fluid due to pregnancy. It is very important to let your practitioner know that you are pregnant and in which trimester you are in. This is important for them to know which pressure points to avoid which may trigger pre-labor contractions. Many women are reluctant to have reflexology performed on them in their first trimester of pregnancy for fear of miscarriage, but a knowledgeable practitioner will avoid the pressure points associated with the onset of contractions and labor until you reach full term. However many practitioners will avoid treating women within their first trimester of pregnancy as that is the most prevalent time a woman might have a miscarriage, in which case, the woman might want to blame the practitioner for the miscarriage.

Reflexology is also said to be very helpful when both parents of the expectant child receive treatments as it helps reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the pregnancy. As anybody who has ever been pregnant knows, there are extreme levels of highs and lows due to the hormones that seem to take over your body; reflexology is an excellent way to balance out those hormones to keep you from experiencing those extreme highs and lows. It is beneficial for the father-to-be as well as he is also experiencing a wide range of emotions and anxiety.

There are, however, specific conditions in which you, as the pregnant woman, should avoid reflexology. These conditions included; having contractions before your 37th week of pregnancy, if it is found that there is too much amniotic fluid around the baby after 32 weeks of pregnancy, and if you are at risk for placenta previa, after 32 weeks of pregnancy. It is also recommended that you consult your doctor prior to reflexology if you have been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis or are at risk for pre-eclampsia.

The benefits to reflexology most certainly outweigh the risks and a qualified, licensed practitioner will guide you safely through your pregnancy. One of the best benefits to reflexology during pregnancy is that it prepares you both physically and mentally for labor and delivery and can help reduce the pain associated with a natural birth.

It is highly recommended that you do considerable research before choosing the right practitioner to perform reflexology on you during your pregnancy; you always want to be well informed and be sure to ask all the questions you might have upon your first visit.


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