Review: Bare Minerals Makeup

If you’ve ever stayed up late or woken up very early, you’ve probably seen bare metal infomercials. I’ve seen it over and over and always wanted to try it, but it looked so expensive I never ordered the money. Well, for my birthday in June I made a throw and ordered a starter kit that was over $60 with tax.

I placed my order and got my package in about 3 weeks. I couldn’t wait to try it. I’m not one to wear a lot of makeup because I’ll sweat in warm weather. I want to be a bit of a fan during the winter months. So I took my package and opened it and was amazed at how small the tubs were. I thought I paid $60 for this? Bare Minerals comes with an instruction booklet and instructions. I popped the DVD in my computer and started watching. It has been shown on TV how women wear makeup. There was one annoying thing that I see though; They want you to buy more of their products, so the entire DVD is an infomercial for their other products. Still, I put the idea of ​​composing, and I sat on my bed and opened the multi-tasking jars Eye color, face color, tan color and mineral veil. Bare Minerals has makeup for every skin tone skin.

Bare minerals spawn from Bare Escentuals. The product comes in tiny bottles with 0.02 ounces in each bottle. Bare mineral products last a long time, almost as well as a mineral film. You need to use several to make your face look flawless, so you’ll only have a couple of months of use, but the rest will last much longer. The starter kit comes with three brushes, one for light strokes, another for minimizing imperfections, and one for all face application.

I sat there on my bed and applied the Bare Minerals products to my face just like I saw done on the DVD. I just had a small hand mirror to work with, but I thought it was the best I could do. Then I entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror there and was amazed at how much smaller I looked. 58 years old, and I certainly look my age quite well. so they tell me anyway. Yet I married even younger, or perhaps I looked rejuvenated.

While the side of Minerals bare makeup

It’s all the way down to bare minerals. As I said at the beginning, I am a little prone to sweat, or should I say shine. If you have moisture on your face, like with sweat, you have a mess on your face because of stretch marks. Bare minerals is not waterproof, so if you go out in the shower you have to wait to wash your face wash and start over.

Another downside to Bare Minerals is that it rubs off on your face. If you get up close and personal with another man, he will wear some of your makeup.

When applying Bare mineral veil, you’d better put the veil on your clothes or not just when you wear it. make up As the dust from the brush falls on your face while applying. This is the reason why you want to tilt it so that you can only pick with the brush. A little goes a long way. No matter how careful you are, you will end up with a layer of dust on your clothes, or at least I did.

The other down side of Bare Minerals is that the brush doesn’t hold up very well. They lose bristles quite easily. This is not a real problem, because you can do it at the center in drug store or the man and buy a good wipe that finally this work will be

Good facts about bare mineral makeup

What I liked about Bare Minerals is that it’s light. It feels like you have nothing on your face. In addition to the mineral film, it lasts for a long time. The product seems to improve skin condition over time. Before using the bare mineral, there were tiny bumps in the front of my hairline. Now my skin is smooth and I don’t feel those bumps anymore. The product also protects me from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which has SPF 15. . Since I have skin cancer on my face a couple of times, I feel that it is always necessary to wear some

I also like that it doesn’t just make me look younger. When I come to church, many women and even a few men come up to me and say that I look like something has happened, or that I look younger. Some people asked me if I did anything to my hair. None of these ask if I have a new job because I don’t like wearing makeup; I just love the look I have uneven skin tones.


Bare minerals are a bit expensive. I feel the product is worth the price though because it stays on for a long time. I’ve had enough of the product for about 3 months since I bought it, except for the mineral veil. Although I found that the product can be cheaper online than ordering from an infomercial on TV over the phone. You can go to the local order for bare minerals. This is the web address: I noticed that you can get the product on eBay for $21 plus shipping. I will try again.

My recommendation

Despite the flaws of nude makeup, I recommend it, but don’t wear it on hot days if your face is prone to shining in the heat. This product with 8 stars.. if 10 stars would be considered perfect.

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