Review of the IRobot Roomba 4210 Discovery Floorvac Robotic Vacuum

When I first saw the iRobot Roomba 4210 Invention Floorvac Robotic Vacuum, I was amazed. When I thought the item was great, I usually didn’t buy the vacuum because it was quite expensive. (The Roomba retails for about $230 for the basic model.) But I sat down and thought about the item before making the purchase. How often am I really empty? I was really racking my brain and realized that most weeks I only did it once a week, maybe twice if I had a train coming up. While I am single single and living, was this empty enough to clean my area? I was caught up in the idea that I wasn’t cleaning enough and upon buying the Roomba, I found out that I wasn’t cleaning enough.

It’s a small, round vacuum chamber that you usually turn in before you go to work or to run errands and clean up for yourself. Even long battery life! The chamber can clean 3 large chambers before the juice runs out. The home base automatically returns the charging device when its cleaning cycle is complete or battery It runs low, so you don’t remember to watch yourself.

There are other features of the Roomba that certainly amaze me. The equipment has the ability to move to a location. It can vacuum both tile and hardwood flooring as well as clothing and move easily between the two. If is a room that you want to limit to Roomba (the word for the child’s room that has small toys) that you don’t want vacuumed), it is a “virtual” line that will block the door with an invisible beam and deny entry. The machine also has a wide scale flight system so you never have to worry about the machine falling and breaking the expensive scale.

The size of the Roomba is misleading. Binary bags have an incredible amount of dirt that must be emptied daily or when they become full. The brushes are just as powerful as those regular sized cleaning machines. Also, the extremely low profile makes it clean in areas that most people overlook, often like under the bed or some furniture. I was also surprised that the Roomba’s attachment doesn’t detect furniture or baseboards and the machine quickly changes course when it bumps into something. The new “Discovery” model also has the ability to identify areas areas that are dirtier than others and clean them more places.

Naturally, the best part about Roomba is that you will have empty tables without it. While I haven’t had any problems with my unit, other consumers I’ve talked to who have Roombas tell me the company offers the best warranty and stands behind it 100%.


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