Review: Vicks Waterless Vaporizer

My oldest daughter has a viral infection and, drawing from her sinuses, she was non-stop coughing all night Sunday night. Hearing her tossing and turning for about an hour, I decided to give her some relief by running the vaporizer in her room.

Everyone was asleep in the house except my daughter and I and I didn’t want to wake anyone up by turning on the lights. So, rather than trying to find a vaporizer in the dark, I instead grabbed a Vicks Waterless Vaporizer from my sister’s room (it hasn’t been used at the moment).

I bought this product about two years ago when my daughter had an illness. At the time, I asked for the steam vaporizer (which I eventually bought as a backup) that he owned had stopped working. However, like everyone having the disease at the same time, I could not find and buy this place.

I was skeptical about this product when I bought it, but now that I own it and use it every winter, I prefer it.

There are two things I like about this product versus a typical vaporizer. It is important to understand how easy it is to put things together. All I have to do is put one of the Vicks tabs on it and turn it on. This is much easier than a traditional vaporizer, where I have to fill it with water, add a measured amount of vapor to the liquid and remember to put salt in it so that the vapor is absorbed.

Another thing I like about this vaporizer is that it makes no noise. This is important because my daughter is not sound asleep as she is and she actually has problems sleeping with a loud noise (as from a vaporizer) in his room all night.

Although I prefer this product, there are some things that I don’t like.

First of all, naturally, the expense. The vaporizer is easier to set up because of the small Vicks pads that you put in it. However, traditional medical vaporizers are somewhat expensive. And one is only good for a few hours.

I also found that although this vaporizer comes with three settings that either create a stronger vapor or make the last vaporizer pad longer, it actually there are only two. The first setting (which I believe you’re supposed to give to 8 hours) just isn’t very effective. I had this run in the first setting in his sister’s room a few weeks ago, and I couldn’t even smell the fumes unless I was standing within a foot of it.

Even with those things, I still recommend this product to parents. It is much more expensive. But, I think you’ll enjoy both benefits because it won’t make a ton of noise in your home.

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