RFID tags and personal GPS Locators are now available on the market. There are two aspects to their use. The mighty will protect their children from abduction and find them righteous when they have gone astray. The same goes for an Alzheimer’s patient who wanders off and doesn’t share where home is.
With the actual concern about child abduction now there are many ways that technology can help protect our children. Designer Lauren Scott has come up with a line of clothing that uses RFID tag devices to track the child’s most vulnerable. than 30 feet beyond his house. Target will sell the line in the spring of 2006.
The down side to this technology is that retailers are also devising mechanisms to implement the use of clothing. RFID tags can track clothes in warehouses, on ships and when they are purchased. There is some concern about invasion of privacy here. The good thing that machines can do is open the door to a completely new area of privacy loss.
Rradio Frequency IDidentification uses radio frequencies to identify objects, animals, or people. Raudio Frequency
ID technology for text on items in stores, shops, ID cards etc. can be used The tags are passive and do not require a battery or maintenance. Current reader technology can be easily incorporated into a device.
Dr. John Halamka, CIO of Harvard Medical School had a VeriChip tag inserted under his arm. It holds the doctor’s signature and the doctor’s information. Dr. Halamka said that it is important to introduce standards that protect unauthorized access to information on the Internet. The comments that Dr. Halamka went through the motions to avoid losing his anonymity. With this in mind, if the family has someone suffering from a disease such as Alzheimer’s, this is a huge benefit. These patients would always be able to get “home” because their information would be on the chip to identify them and provide their email, phone, and other important contact and medical information.
However, concerns about unauthorized access and invasion of privacy are very real. The need for safety and security, if balanced against the negative, would put my mind at rest. Knowing that a child or Alzheimer’s patient is being protected with this technique, suppresses the fear of harm or danger. . Nothing in this world is 100% hack proof. There is no denying the use of technology that has the potential to protect one’s loved ones. Of course, we can look at the ways in which the information carried by these chips can be secured.
GPS Locators
GPS is short for Global Positioning System, a system of satellites that allows one’s position to be calculated very accurately with use. electronic receiver
GPS Locator made by Cure is a personal device that your child or another person uses as a watch. The locator will help you identify the location of the car in minutes. The system works with Wherify’s patented technology, the US Department of Defense’s multi-billion dollar Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, plus the nations largest 100% digital, nationwide PCS wireless network. In addition to the tracker tracker, Curre also makes a phone tracker. They offer monthly plans that range from $24.95 a month up to $34.95.
With your child wearing a GPS Locator Watch you just have to call the number to give it to you or send it to www.wherify.com. You quickly describe the child’s location within feet and it will provide the nearest address. In an emergency, you can request a 911 response. The Phone GPS Locator works the same way and also provides an “emergency response request” button.
You can visit Curriculum’s website for complete details on their products and plans.
Why GPS Locator Watch
Why Wherifone GPS?
Both of these technological innovations offer a potential practical and inexpensive aid in the protection of children and people suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Be sure to look for ways to protect your data, these technologies offer a lot of peace of mind.