Running and Active Isolated Stretching

Running and Extending Active Only

The question is not that running is a difficult game and performance suffers if we overdo it. The fact that stretching affects our joints and muscles, and that it is an important and integral part of regular exercise, has been proven by a significant number of in the past decade”.

Extending your running repertoire is a critical tool to keep your body in top running condition and plays an important role in promoting optimal technical steps and preventing injuries. But to enjoy the benefits of the runner must follow the program, which is especially designed for this sport.

Experience and many studies have shown that it is traditional to tend to exercises such as before exercising and doing non-specific to specific spaces. The game causes more harm than good. It has also been found that traditional stretching routines can, in fact, impair performance and increase the risk of injury. This results in the abandonment of many traditional practices.

Active separately extending (AIS

The stretching agent is a dozen course-specific exercises designed to help you perform your courses better. These exercises are selected to tone the key muscles that are involved in the running process and give you optimal running. degree Muscle imbalances that lead to running injuries are corrected

The technique was developed by kinesio-therapist, Aaron Mattes. The technique provides the athlete with a safe way to gain muscle strength associated with running without long-term damage. Aaron’s discovery that prolonged static stretching reduces blood flow within the tissues and lactic acid lactic acid This is subject to injury or irritation of muscle fibers, effects similar to trauma.

the technique involves stretching the muscles in just two second periods and works with the natural physiological makeup and improves the elasticity of the muscles and blood circulation . This method of active isolated stretching offers the greatest benefits and can be done without tension or resulting in trauma.

Doing isolated stretching is not only beneficial for runners but also in scoliosis treatment which involves stretching the muscles of the pelvis, hips, neck and trunk. By tending not to stabilize or change the structure and the use of a seat belt to stabilize it has been found to be a great help.

Although Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common syndrome among computer professionals, secretaries and other people who have repetitive motions, it has benefited greatly from this by using art. Special techniques have been developed for this particular disease. In this way, the hamstrings can be effectively healed. Over the years, thousands of such people have achieved relief without surgery of any kind.

Although Active isolated stretching has been found to be effective in the relief of various muscle related problems mainly in field running, football and also in low back problems. Each set of muscles requires specific methods of stretching. Especially for running, AIS has proven to be very effective. The body’s cardiovascular system can better oxygenate the lowering blood pressure which fatigue occurs. i>

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