Salvia Divinorum – An Overview and Levels of Effects

Salvia Divinorum is a type of sage that commonly grows in many areas of mexico. This plant traces back to ancient aztec indians for shamanic uses to produce powerful visuals, and to preform a sort of “Spiritual Healing”. A salvia experience can vary from the type of dosage and the way of ingestion.

Today, The most popular way that people are using salvia to experience its mind blowing effects are to smoke the plant. Salvia divinorum can be purchased legally in a variety of different forums such as extracts, dried leaves, and fortified leaves. The traditional way to ingest salvia was by chewing the leaves and after about 15 minutes you would start to feel the beginning effects. Although if you smoke salvia, The effects are felt instantly within 15 seconds or less.

Many people underestimate the power of this psychoactive substance. There are differently levels in which you can classify the intensity of ones salvia experience. There are 6 different levels each representing a different letter in the word S.A.L.V.I.A.

S – Level 1 – The level 1 effects of salvia are a very mild state of relaxation, but in most experiences the user should be able to determine that something is happening to alter their state of mind. At this level of the experience salvia is often considered an aphrodisiac and could possibly increase sexual intimacy or general happiness.

A – Level 2 – The level 2 effects of salvia are often considered pleasant by most people who have experienced this level of intoxication. I commonly refer to the level 2 stage as the “Heat stage” because you can feel your body tingle and begin to feel all sorts of sensations on all of your senses. At this level a greater appriciation for music, colors, and nature is often recognized in the experience.

L – Level 3 – The level 3 effects of salvia are when the mild visual hallucinations start to occur. The user may see geometric patterns or differences in brightness and colors on certain objects. Closed eye visual also occur in this stage.

V – Level 4 – The level 4 effects of salvia is when the experience starts to become very intense and the user may be sucked in to a kind of trance or dreamlike state. At this point visuals are for the most part complete hallucinations and you may feel as though you are a part of what you are seeing. This level is often where the experience can turn into a horrific or very joyful trip for the user.

I – Level 5 – The level 5 effects of salvia are when you will most likely be completely ingulfed in a visual scene or episode in which you may seem to merge with certain objects that are around you. Many users report seeing spiritual beings such as God and Buddha at this level of the experience. It is very strongly recommended that you have a sobber sitter with you for this level of the experience.

A – Level 6 – The level 6 effects of salvia are the most intense effects of this substance. At this level of the experience the user is most likely not able to recall what happened to them during their experience. Many times this is when out of body experiences occur. This level is very dangerous because you are completely disconnected from reality and the risk of hurting yourself of others by involuntary movements is very great.

The six levels of Salvia Divinorum are an easy way for people who havent experienced this substance to see the full potential of it. It is also a good way to report and judge your experiences with salvia.

Although salvia divinorum may seem exciting or fun, it is NOT a party or recreational drug. This plant should be treated with very much respect. If you are just looking for something fun to trip on then salvia is not for you. Salvia divinorum is a very spiritual substance and that is what it should be used for.


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