Silent Auction Gift Basket Ideas

Is your school, sorority or non-profit organization hosting a silent auction? Are you needing gift basket ideas? A gift basket silent auction can raise much needed funds and be very entertaining. Below are a few creative ideas for fundraiser auctions.

“Relax Your Stress Away” Gift Basket

One fun idea is to create a stress-relief gift basket. Contact a local massage therapist and ask him or her to donate a gift certificate. (Remind him/her that it provides advertising and is for a good cause.) Many massage therapists would be happy to donate a 30 minute (or full hour) professional massage.

In addition to the gift card, include a stress-relief ball, CD of relaxing music, bubble bath and a candle. Add a bag of chocolate and some tylenol. If you have the money, include a foot massager and/or desk fountain. It is sure to get some bids from anyone who needs some time to unwind.

“Man’s Best Friend” Gift Basket

This gift basket is for dog lovers. Collect dog treats, dog food, toys, dog shampoo, a dog-themed picture frame and similar items. For best results, place them in a dog bed instead of a gift basket. You might also contact a dog groomer in the community and ask him/her to donate a gift certificate or coupon. It is a great prize for those who have four legged friends.

“Insomniac” Gift Basket

This one is a little bizarre, and will get some laughs for sure. Include gourmet coffee, cute fuzzy slippers, snacks (such as popcorn), and even a bottle of tylenol PM. You might also add a nightshirt, a book on the bestseller list, and a gel sleeping mask. For an added touch, include a “Sweet Dreams: Hypnosis for Better Sleep” CD here.

“Gift Cards Galore” Gift Basket

This gift basket would probably be the most popular one at the auction. Contact various local businesses in the area (Sonic, McDonalds, Starbucks, etc) and ask them to donate at least a $5.00 gift card. (Show up in person and ask to speak with a manager.) In most cases, many nice restaurants such as Outback and Chili’s will donate a $25.00 gift card.

You could display the cards by attaching them to metal wires, or even putting them inside picture frames. Add some colorful tissue to make it look pretty and voila! – you’ve got a fabulous gift basket.

“Weekend Get-Away” Gift Basket

Contact owners of private bed and breakfast hotels located within a three hour drive. Explain that you are raising money for your school or charity. Ask them to donate one free night in their bed and breakfast. Remind them that this provides advertising, and you will be sure to recommend them to friends and family. Add a gas gift card, some snacks for the road and a cute picture frame. It is definitely a fabulous gift basket for anyone who needs a weekend retreat.

“New Parents” Gift Basket

Another fabulous idea is to create a gift basket for expecting or new parents. This is perfect for school auctions. Include various baby items such as diapers, wipes, tylenol and more. For some additional ideas, check out “Silent Auction Gift Basket Ideas for Adults: New Parents”.

These are just a few suggestions for a gift basket silent auction. If you are needing additional fundraising ideas for your charity, read “Unique Fundraising Ideas for Sororities or College Organizations.” Happy Fundraising!


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