Simple Arts and Crafts for Baby

One of my favorite keepsakes from my oldest daughter is a hand print she made for me in daycare at just six months old. She might not remember, but I certainly do. Don’t save the arts and crafts for when your baby grows up-there are tons of fun and simple activities that you can do with your baby today!

While coloring books and watercolors might be out of the question, that doesn’t mean that you can’t nurture your baby’s inner artist. With some patience, unconventional materials, and the occasional mess, you can get crafty with your baby.

Color Wonder-ful

I used to love using the Crayola Color Wonder products with my oldest daughter when she was still a baby. I would put her in her high chair with a piece of the specially formulated paper and a marker, and she would bang the marker onto the paper over and over again. The markers made marks without the amount of pressure required by a crayon. The “pictures” we created were my baby’s first real attempt at artwork, and I still have some (don’t forget to write the name and date on them) in her baby book today.

The Best Part: There’s no mess with Color Wonder products!

Pudding Paint

Pudding can create hours of entertainment for your baby. Use instant pudding and make it yourself for the cheapest option (use most of the pudding for dessert), or purchase individual cups for a one play time at a time approach. Place baby in the high chair, preferably in just a diaper so as to minimize the mess. They can use the pudding to finger paint on paper, cardboard, or right on their highchair tray. Add food coloring to vanilla pudding for a colorful twist.

The Best Part: You don’t need to worry about eating the paint since it is edible.

Fancy Feet

If you’re worried about your baby eating paint, there’s no better place for it than on their little feet! Head outside on a sunny day with a large piece of poster board, cardboard, or roll of paper. Then, use washable finger paint and paint your baby’s feet. If your baby isn’t quite ready to walk, help them make footprints on the paper. If he or she is walking already, the footprints on the paper will become a cherished family favorite!

The Best Part: If paint gets off the paper, simply spray the sidewalk to remove the mess, or set up on the grass.

Memories with Model Magic

Crayola Model Magic is another great parent/child craft for you to do with your baby. Model Magic is recommended for children 3 and up, but is non-toxic. Make sure that you are with and watching your baby at all time for safety reasons. Show your baby how to bang, mash, and roll the clay, and let them play with it, too! Flatten the clay, and make hand prints, footprints, or fingerprints that you can then let dry and save. This is less expensive (and more fun) than many pre-packaged first hand print craft options.

The Best Part: If you aren’t interested in saving the work you and your baby do together, you could use homemade or store-bought Play-Doh instead of Model Magic.

While arts and crafts with baby require lots of help and attention from mom and dad, the keepsakes and memories you’ll create with your child are priceless, and worth the extra effort!

Read more by this contributor:
Best Supplies for an Arts and Crafts Station
Can Listening to Music Make Your Baby Smarter?
Perfectly Personal First Birthday Party Invitations

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