Simple Backyard Landscaping Ideas

For a very few homeowners, a front and backyard of just grass abutting up to their home’s walls is enough. They like the simplicity and ease of maintaining their yard – just mow and go.

But most of us like a bit of color. A walkway. Perhaps a trellis. Maybe a flower border. Something more than just a small patio slab left by the builder just outside the backdoor.

But then we think of the work involved. The cost. The planning involved.

“Maybe the idea of big grassy yards front and back isn’t so bad,” we might think. “Backyard landscaping, front yard landscaping just isn’t for us.

But wait. Take a deep breath. Slow down.

Landscaping needn’t be that difficult.

Take backyard landscaping, for instance. When you think of your backyard, you think of rest and relaxation, don’t you? A sunny place for perhaps a barbecue. A warm spot on which to lie on a hammock, swing in the breeze, read a book and then take a snooze.

So keep it simple.

Here’s a simple backyard landscaping idea: Why not install a flowerbed of blooming plants that attract butterflies? You can place it somewhat in the middle of your yard. It will become a focal point and just wait until your friends and neighbors come to visit! (Perhaps you’ll want to have book on butterflies handy, see who can spot the most different kinds.)

For backyard landscaping ideas that attract butterflies, check out the National Wildlife Federation’s information on the subject here.

For a truly simple design, why not “just” have a lovely patio, with shrubs and/or flowering plants along its edges? A good cement/concrete contractor can pour a patio in an oval, curved or just about any shape for you. Add some shrubs, plants and/or some solar patio lights would make a lovely – and simple and peaceful – backyard landscape for you.

Speaking of shrubs, they can be a simple, inexpensive addition to your landscaping. Place them in front and in the back of your home, right up against the walls. They add great curb appeal without a lot of muss and fuss. And your shrubbery needn’t be just different shades of green – many shrubs flower and provide wonderful bursts of color. Check out azalea, lilac, hydrangea, shrub rose, and dogwood at your local nursery to see if they appeal to you.

Don’t forget plants that are native to your area. Head to your nursery or do some research on the Internet to see what plants are native to your state. A simple Google search of, say, “Pennsylvania native plants” will give you a wealth of information. Choosing native plants give you peace of mind because you know they do well in your climate and therefore will be easier to take care of.

Place wood chips around your shrubs, trees and bushes. They cover up the dirt – thus giving your landscaping a more polished look – and they also help cut down on weeds. They also provide food as they break down and help keep your plants moist.

Finally, don’t forget the lawnchair – the perfect addition to your backyard landscape. After all, now that your simple backyard landscape is done, it’s time to put your backyard to its real use – a lovely spot for a relaxing snooze on a summer Sunday afternoon.

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