Sinus Buster Headache Remedy: A Review

Migraine sufferers know that it can be very difficult to find medication that truly works on a migraine. If something helps with the pain, it may still leave the unpleasant nausea, dizziness, and sensitivity to light and sound. I have been searching for a good migraine relief system for a decade.

Prescription migraine relievers have come a long way in the last ten years, but they also have their drawbacks. For example, they should be taken upon first noticing symptoms; otherwise, they may not be effective. So taking the prescription for a migraine that wakes you up in the middle of the night is not going to alleviate much of the pain. Prescriptions are also often expensive, more so because they have a short expiration date, so even if you don’t use the three months’ worth you might get per prescription, they will be outdated and shouldn’t be used.

Over-the-counter medicines that offer relief from a migraine have become more widespread in the last several years, as well. A close look at the label shows that the ingredients are pain reliever, usually ibuprofen or aspirin or some combination, and caffeine. Caffeine does help relieve the spasms in the blood vessels connected with migraine headaches, and it also helps the body absorb the pain reliever, so it is a good additive. For me, however, it takes several doses and at least a couple hours to get some sort of relief. Even then, those other symptoms like nausea don’t go away. I also find it really difficult to swallow any kind of pill in the throes of a migraine because of my churning stomach.

So when I saw the ad for the all natural Sinus Buster nasal spray, I was intrigued. The ads claim that the headache remedy works immediately. And they give a money back guarantee. It is made up of peppermint, feverfew and capsaicin; doesn’t appear to interact negatively with any drugs; and costs less than $10 a bottle. I had to give it a try.

The Good. It definitely cleared out my sinuses, fast. It is easy to use and hasn’t caused me any stomach upset. Sinus Buster does take most of the pain away for most of my migraines most of the time.

The Bad. Sinus Buster does take most of the pain away for most of my migraines most of the time. It wasn’t the magic I was hoping for. Maybe my hopes were just too high. It did help my migraine, but the pain wasn’t gone immediately. And, like the other OTC medications, the Sinus Buster did not get rid of the other migraine effects.

The Ugly. The pain upon first use was darn near excruciating. After several uses, I don’t find the pain so awful, but you should be prepared for something almost unbearable the first time you use it. On top of the migraine, that was a big problem, especially because it made me sneeze.

The Verdict. I will continue to use Sinus Buster Headache Remedy. I will probably always accompany it with some caffeine (in liquid form) and maybe a few ibuprofen, but it does ease my pain. This combination lessens the headache faster than just ibuprofen and caffeine. I would recommend that new users spray it just once in each nostril upon first receiving it and then again a few days later to get more accustomed to the capsaicin. If you suffer from sinus headaches, I think this may be a super remedy. For migraines, I don’t find it the holy grail of headache relief, but right now anyway, it is a very big part of my migraine relief system.

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