Sobering Statistics About Factory Farming

The alarming fact is that more than two-thirds of our native American prairie is now gone, with 85% of this loss attributed to livestock production. To create a food-centered economy, 260 million acres of forest were cleared for crops. Seventy-eight calories of fossil fuel are required to produce just one calorie of beef protein; in contrast, only two calories are needed to produce one calorie of soybean protein. Almost half of the total water water used every year is to provide food and drinking water for cattle and other livestock to grow.

According to the General Accounting Office, several species of plants have been eliminated or are threatened by cattle grazing for other reasons, and livestock around pastures harm 20% of endangered species and threat. Some $37 million of taxpayers’ money is used to trap, poison, gas, and fire nearly a million wild animals and birds to be kept every year for the protection and pestilence of cattle.

In the United, every year 10 billion land animals and countless billions of fish are raised in fish farms. or the cost of a wild animal in the neck of food. From factory farming, the industry treats animals not as sentient objects, but as useful commodities. They live in crowded cages and enclosures, are deprived of a common social or family life, and often live short lives without seeing the light or being able to walk on the ground.

Forty million cows and calves are killed every year. Cows have a life span of 20-25 years, but the calf factory-capacity is used from that time 3 to 4 old and is sent to the victim. The organic waste from these agricultural waste operations is enormous. Livestock alone is responsible for nearly one billion tons of it, much of which enters our water.

On arrival at the victim, animals that are too weak, sick or injured to be moved are tied to the backs of trucks and dragged to areas where they are piled on top of each other so that they can be easily killed. he was slaughtered. Animals are said to be downed, as they suffer for days without food, water, or medical care. These sick animals are often rejected for human consumption and raised into pet food.

Of the 10 million biogenetically engineered dairy cows in the US, at least half spend their entire lives in crowded stalls or barns with concrete floors. In the rapture of the rack they were called by the farmers artificially inseminated. producers within two days of birth, who chain them for 12 to 16 weeks inside dark, small cages. Mother’s milk is denied to produce a pale calf color. Factory farmed dairy cows, like beef, are sprayed with pesticides and need antibiotics, hormones and tranquilizers. All who consume milk are exposed to a chemical residue. Milk Cows milk contains three times more protein and 50 more fat than human milk, and is specially designed to create A 300-pound cow does not feed humans within one year of birth.

Almost 10 billion chickens, turkeys and ducks are slaughtered for meat every year. In addition to four hundred million egg-laying hens hell life, five to a cage only 18 inches wide (chicken wings is 32 inches). Broiler chickens are raised in buildings with up to nine birds per square foot. Egg producers suffocate or destroy (alive) 280 million male chicks per year. Chicken processors, who kill about 5,000 chickens per hour, neglect hygiene due to lack of time and often return to the processing line by dropping the bodies on the ground. A chicken factory uses up to 100 million gallons of water per day.

Approximately 100 million pigs are killed annually for food. Pork, bacon, and ham come from pigs that spend a short life on griddles, or sterile concrete with iron bars. Mother sows are immobile in stalls almost constantly and treated as nothing more than breeding and feeding machines. The pig industry is a major source of pollution in this country, producing thousands of tons of waste that pollute the air and ground water. Factory farming is a destructive combination of environmental degradation, animal cruelty, and abuse of human health. What do you do about it as a pain? It is not enough to eat the fruits they call humanely raised animals. In the end, they are still slaughtered, and their lives are often not much different from factory animal farms. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the horrors of animal farming is to turn your energy to a plant-based diet.


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