Some Tips for Expressing Condolences

Immense, that is to say sick and tired inside, the police officer or paramedic looks at the spouse of the deceased and says: “I am sorry for your loss.”

We’ve all heard it a thousand times, not just on television. The rope was picked up in the common folk, and I heard that the people said these words at funerals. Writers may strike at development from time to time, but they contribute, knowingly or not, to development”> /a> and Conventions.

I don’t know how it sounds kind of hollow. Partly because a certain line is deeply used, but also because in general there is no opinion that is much better or more comforting to survive. Expressing consolations, whether as a character character in a fictional story or as a real person in real life, creates a real dilemma for anyone who feels something must be said.

In medicine and cards, next to the sections for birthdays, anniversaries and weddings there is one console. Here we find versions of the Hallmark type “I’m sorry for your loss”. With illustrations, with or without religious notes or omitted, in just a few words (or, as often happens in papers, too many) the sentence is aimed at empathic sadness, loss and intelligence is composed for you, sparing you; He is looking for anxieties and what to say and how he looks. Usually the Greeting Card form is normally used, and by itself, out of place.

Of course, if the world is far away, phone, a card or a letter is the best or just share your choices to express help and sadness. However, if you are going to be quite physically with the person, there is often an inverse relationship between the amount and credibility of the word and the actual sense of what is offered and received. Therefore, since much that has already been said about the matter is not expedient, what is the alternative? The best one – and one who comes with no difficulty to many has few, if any words -. either spoken or written. It looks like a quiet presence and reception.

If you have had the experience of losing someone close to you to the end of death, you will find someone with the comfort of your faith. Nevertheless, the motions of men to death may be suffered by you, who are still in this life, as if comforting, empty, empty, nay, unbelievably exasperating, even when they are supposed to be well-willed.

Honestly, comfort is one of the most difficult things to do.

Too many words and catchphrases are most appropriate from those who either 1) Don’t know you and don’t really know the deceased well, but who, for other reasons, felt it was appropriate to stand nearby. especially at a fragile moment, or 2) they avoid death so much that they literally cannot flow with their need to speak. In either case, there is usually not much to offer comfort to the person dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Even when it is said ‘from the heart’ by acquaintances, these words can seem short and peripheral at times, so I suggest that it is usually best to say as little as possible. This is not to be confused with not being present. From a close family friend, tears and hugs more and more truly empathically and supportively, as beautifully written and praiseworthy.

To be able to tolerate the pain of grief in the present way is to stand close to them and be available to them if they want and need to talk to you about what they are experiencing, or even about something that seems to be completely abused; to give him some support. Being available to listen is simply a lot more valuable than being available to talk.

Sometimes, you don’t need to talk to the recently bereaved. They may feel comfortable sitting in silence, quiet and inward in thought, memory and feeling. With many people struggling with post-acute lingering pains, it is not unusual to hear them describe the experience of being able to do so in friends care society< /a> who did not feel that his process was interrupted by his own words and thoughts, was a powerful comfort to them.

Speaking can certainly comfort and soothe – But knowing when to be silent is a sincere skill and often comes in handy in times of great loss.

Being available to listen is not ‘nothing.’ Actively present is not just suffering. Not talking is not the same as not caring. Be present, be present, care, and leave the opportunity for speech, especially when you are surrounded. You can talk about it with someone else later.

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