Spiritual Meanings of Flowers: An Alphabetical Guide

This article provides a list of twenty frequently seen flowers. It explores the spiritual meanings behind them, the reminders that they serve for us and the lessons we can learn from them.

1. Baby’s Breath
This flower is symbolic of modesty and sweet beauty. It brings to the forefront of our minds to remain humble in our endeavors and to always hold the belief that beauty is only skin deep and that it is what is inside that truly matters.

2. Basil
Basil is symbolic of integration and discipline. It reminds us that sometimes tough love is necessary and that discipline can help in the long run. It also reminds us to keep our lives filled with different things and not to remain stuck to one hobby or interest but to instead expand our knowledge.

3. Begonia
Begonia is symbolic of balance and psychism. It reminds us that we should not get carried away with extremes but at the same time it teaches us that extremes are not bad. We need to take all extremes and make them into our own sense of balance and harmony to enrich our lives.

4. Buttercup
Buttercup is symbolic of self worth and the power of words. It is important for us to have strong sense of self worth and once we have accomplished this we put forth an aura of confidence and we hold a newfound sense of understanding in the world. It also is a daily remind of the impact that our words have. Once something is spoke it can never be taken back, therefore the effect of them is more powerful than we could ever imagine. It teaches us to hold our tongues in situations where we could say something that we do not mean.

5. Cactus
Cactus is symbolic of the manifestation of riches and beauty. It reminds us that if we work hard enough, put the time and effort in, our sacrifices are work will be rewarded ten fold. It gives hope in finances and a new life in a time of depression and darkness.

6. Carnation
The carnation is symbolic of deep love, healing and love of self. This reminds us to search for love of the deepest compassion and understanding, in essence it teaches us to search for the love between souls not the physical attraction.

7. Clover
The clover is symbolic of luck, love and fidelity and kindness. It reminds us to appreciate when good things happen to us. It also teaches us to value true love and the bond that it creates between two people.

8. Daffodil
The daffodil is symbolic of the power of inner beauty and the clarity of thought. It reminds us that clarity of thought makes our whole world change and it makes many decisions easier if they are not over analyzed but instead clarified and soundly resolved.

9. Dahlia
The dahlia is symbolic of a higher sense of self worth, dignity, and self worth. It reminds us to hold our head high no matter what the circumstances and to always keep pride in our accomplishments.

10. Daisy
The daisy is symbolic of increasing awareness, creativity and inner strength. It reminds us that through creativity anything can be created and accomplished. It also reminds us to never underestimate creative though.

11. Gardenia
Gardenia is symbolic of purity of action and purpose. It reminds us that if we have good intentions behind all of our actions even if they do not work out the way that we have planned some good will come out of them.

12. Geranium
Geranium is symbolic of happiness, healing, and renewed joy. This reminds us to take time to savor the moments in life that make us truly happy and in return we will have something to look back on and treasure for the rest of our lives.

13. Gladiola
Gladiola is symbolic of receptivity to divine will. This reminds us to remain open to the thoughts and the emotions of the angels and guided masters.

14. Hibiscus
Hibiscus is symbolic of femininity, sexuality and warmth, and new creation. It reminds us of the joy, happiness, and overall the blessing of welcoming a new life into this world.

15. Iris
Iris is symbolic of higher inspiration. This reminds us to keep our minds open so we are able to receive the thoughts and guidance of the angels.

16. Lavender
Lavender is symbolic of magic, love, protection, healing, and vision. It reminds us to believe in the impossible but more than anything it reminds us of the power and beauty of love.

17. Lily
The lily is symbolic of birth, godly mind, and humility. It reminds us that our good deeds do not need to be seen by a lot of people and we do not need to tell everyone about them. It is when we help somebody, some animal, or something and we do not say anything to anyone that gives us the greatest reward.

18. Marigold
The marigold is symbolic of loving sacrifice. It reminds us of the sacrifice parents make for their children and that we should remember and thank our parents for theirs.

19. Rose
The rose is symbolic of love, strength through silence, and passion. It reminds us to savor the beauty in silence and to gain the wisdom it has to offer.

20. Sunflower
The sunflower is symbolic of opportunities and happiness. It reminds us to remain a child at heart. It also reminds us to take advantage of opportunities as they come our way. We only live once and we only have one chance to grasp them before they pass us by.

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