Summer Beach Tips: Protecting Your Sun Fun

The sun is calling you to the beach in summer. The sand is soft and the water is a remedy for the sweltering summer heat. Are you ready for this experience? Do you have your own local protections that will save you from summer pains? The right protection for your beach excursions could enhance your summer fun.

1. Sun Protection

No-not tanning lotion – need sunblock or SUNSHINE. If the overwhelming evidence that overexposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer isn’t enough to convince you to use sunblock or sunscreen, consider the aging factor. Who wants to look 60 when you’re in your 30s? The beauty industry is already big with products to fight aging. Why add a bomb to your skin by not protecting it now?

Remember to use at least SPF 30 and reapply frequently. There are different features that you should consider-sweatproof, waterproof, cream, shower. Also treat the very tender lips which are often overlooked in sun protection. Make sure your lip balm contains a minimum SPF 30 rating. Kissing is no fun when your bottoms are leathery, burnt, and tight.

You must also wear glasses. Remember to take shades with both UVA and UVB protection. Not only will it protect your eyes from premature cataracts, it will also help you not to tire of the constant straw so quickly.

There are other ways to protect your delicate skin from the sun. Consider clothing specially made for UV protection. The surface and other water lovers made these items beautiful and cool. Hats are also great protection for the face, skin and neck. Make sure to cover everything around the head.

2. Arena Defense

As the sand looks warm in the blazing sun, it heats up! Unless you spend all your time cutting in the ocean, you need a place to sit or lie on the beach. Some choose to use their towels as a barrier between their bodies and the sand. If you choose to do this, be sure to shake the towel before wiping your wet body with it. If you don’t want to, prepare for the friction of the sand that settles by rubbing your body. Other options are rugs and carpets. Consider materials with smooth surfaces that are less likely to retain sand when they lift and go. Moreover, you will find a mat that will be comfortable in the sun for hours.

Another option would be a padded seat. If you plan to take a nap often, invest in a good quality chair. Many beaches are littered with abandoned boats that have met with destruction by broken boards and stretched chairs that can no longer hold a medium-weight beach-goer. Make sure the machine is very solid (check the wobble-factor) and that the seat itself is secured by stitching and non-stretching material. (Have you ever sat on a vinyl seat that placed your bottom directly on the ground? It’s not fun.)

3. Thirst and Famine Protection

Water is a must. The sun, combined with beach activity, will quickly use up the water in your body. Some people are so caught up in the stupor of the beach that they don’t feel their bodies dehydrating. Bottled water is the only solution. Keep it handy and in sight to remember. Also be sure to check your bottle to avoid mix-ups with someone else’s water. Who wants to drink from your friend’s bottle full of backwash?

Food is optional, but certainly a feature grown. Participating in all the dynamic beach activities will help drain the fighting energy. Many beach goers testify that the salt air works in a sense that a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich tastes like a gourmet meal.

4. Other Protection

Plastic Did you say Plastic? Yup- came very handy. Plastic garbage bags are suitable for owners who will save you from litterers. Put your poop in a plastic bag and you can find a drop in the other trash. Just be sure to bring your bag back in a litter box – it won’t be a litter box.

It is also useful to put a plastic bag in the car seat before you put your beach in your wet ocean. the driver’s seat of the vehicle. Maybe the car seats will become smelly, slimy, or covered in rust if they travel wet from the beach. A simple barrier between your wetsuit and four-wheel investment will prevent a yucky ride.

So – Is the sun still calling for summer? Is the cold water of the ocean still waiting? Go out and enjoy. Just be sure to use these handy beach tips to protect yourself and maximize your summer fun.

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