Tactical Pen- a Smart and Effective Self Defense Option

Presently, we are in a day and age when many are facing a dichotomous situation regarding personal protection. Most everyone is aware that today’s climate is a hotbed of insanity and unpredictability, yet continual scrutiny is ever-present. So, the chances of experiencing some sort of attack or confrontation seem higher than recent years, yet personal protection such as a firearm is met with intense criticism.

This could be for the simple reason that because the potential for confrontation is higher, the potential for a drawn weapon is higher. Not just that, but the incidences of criminals brandishing firearms are on the rise, so in the eyes of many, guns are seen as part of the bad guy. So, the situation is tense for those who understand their safety might be in question when they’re entirely unarmed. But so often, being armed with a firearm is just not practical or even legal.

There is another facet to this. Many people who might be quite comfortable with the philosophy of gun carrying might be less comfortable with the limitations. People who understand firearms know the things can accidentally go off when in the wrong hands, and even in the right hands, bystanders are at risk. But there’s a positive side to the situation through providing an effective means of some personal protection without a firearm.

Today, the issue of personal protection and self defense is on the minds of many, even when they know a firearm is largely not an option. There are numerous handheld weapons available today, including blunt and edged weapons, and some that are quite clever. There are kerambits, kubotans, and many others; so many, that there’s plenty of room for numerous articles on the matter.

But the Tactical Pen has become a very popular item among those who recognize their safety should not be compromised, even when their second amendment rights are.

Most often, the Tactical Pen is really just a functional writing instrument, but reinforced. Many are made with a striking point or flesh-tearing crown, and quite often are constructed of high-grade aluminum or titanium. They range in price from less than twenty dollars to in the hundreds, and most have the potential to be a striking weapon like a kubotan. This means that if the pen is clutched in the fist, it can either reinforce the fist or the pen’s effective end can be used as designed.

The Tactical Pen is a nice option to have on the person for more than one reason. First of all, it can be carried within easy reach and in plain sight, clipped to the pocket just like any other pen. Second, this is a helpful way to have a potential self defense weapon in an environment where weapons are generally not allowed. It is quite common to see limitations stating no firearms or knives allowed, but this Tactical Pen is little more than a writing instrument when under normal conditions.

Some of these Tactical Pens could be potentially fierce weapons. Many are pointed at one end (in order to stab) while many others have a flesh-tearing crown capable of ripping open the cheek of an attacker. This means the end is shaped and ridged in a way that would tear into the flesh of an attacker, which would be distracting and painful enough to allow the defender the means to overcome. Also, these are apparently a big seller by those who produce them, since there are many companies out there making these in large quantities and choices. Smith & Wesson, Benchmade, Wilson, CRKT, and plenty of others are companies enjoying the trend. So, if a potential buyer is looking for these items, browsing through the choices would be an arduous task.

But having one in hand could provide an element of comfort. Not only does the pen work just fine as a writing instrument (and most accept simple Parker refills), it can be the difference between being victimized or escaping in order to contact the authorities. So, for those who harbor the philosophy that their personal protection is too important to compromise even when the options for personal defense are, the Tactical Pen could be the difference between being smarter and being a statistic.









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