Tag Archives: Acupressure

How to Control Weight with Acupressure

You can control your appetite and lose weight with acupressure. With acupressure you can release chi blocks and return your body to it’s normal functioning. These acupressure points and routines are used to control the appetite and regulate metabolism. Massaging and pressing these acupressure points for weight control will help you to control hunger and […]

Acupressure for Anxiety in Toddlers

Anxiety disorders run prevalently on both sides of my toddler’s family, so I wasn’t surprised that she began displaying severe anxiety symptoms early in her development. Although her tendency toward anxiety was fairly significant for her age group, I didn’t want to force conventional, medicalized treatments on her. Instead, I decided to consult my friend, […]

How Acupressure Can Help Your Eyes

In traditional Eastern medicine, health problems are believed to be caused by chi blockages. Another belief is that acupressure can improve health issues by manipulating the appropriate meridians to release chi obstruction. Eye problems are associated with the liver and liver meridians. The lens and pupil with the kidney meridian, the sclera with the lung […]

Acupressure for Hair Growth

According to acupressure beliefs the health of the hair is associated with the health of the blood and the functioning of the adrenal glands. In order to have healthy hair you also have to have a good supply of blood to the head and scalp. Exercise and massage can stimulate the circulation and bring blood […]

Natural Relief From Morning Sickness

Suffering from morning sickness and worrying about your baby has led you to look for natural remedies for morning sickness. Thinking you’re pregnant can be one of the most exciting moments of your life, but that excitement can be ruined if you’re suffering from morning sickness. Although the name suggests that it is something that […]

Acupressure for Itching

In the spring and summer we venture outside more and may occasionally have itchy skin conditions. No need to worry, there are skin lotions and other ways to treat the itching. One easy way to alleviate the itching is by massaging acupressure points with your hands. The natural acupressure method is also detoxifying and it […]

Acupressure for Depression

Acupressure is an alternative modality that facilitates healing. Acupressure helps people to relax and it is good for stress relief. Pressure point therapy is also stimulating and it increases circulation and the oxygen supply. Acupressure treatments are good for depression because they help to relax muscular tension, stimulate the circulation and oxygenate the blood. Acupressure […]