Tag Archives: Adonis

5 Sensual Games to Play with Your Partner

I have been married to the same guy for almost 21 years. We have four kids. Life is busy and hectic. We go to work and then come home and work more. In kids need shoes, doctor visits, clothes, etc. We go to the store almost everyday for some need. We need constant paperwork and […]

Can You Build Muscles Without Supplements?

You wouldn’t think so if you open the sports page on a daily basis. Seems as if the lead story at least once a week involves some star athlete either caught or revealing that he or she has used muscle enhancing steroids or other types of muscle building supplements. It can lead one to a […]

Uncovering the Many Myths About Flowers

Many people simply enjoy the beauty of flowers. They offer us stunning colors and sweet scents. They say romance, friendship, and even more so. The appreciation of flowers is nothing new. It goes back almost to the same time. There are many myths and legends surrounding flowers. Sometimes the gods turned people into flowers as […]

Analysis of Shakespeare’s “Sonnets 53”- “What is Your Substance”

William Shakespeares’s “Sonnets 53” has the narrator elevating his beloved to that of the ideal beauty; thus, all beauty is subsequently judged in comparison to him. This poem is perhaps the most Platonic of all of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Plato states that “a higher world of eternal, unchanging Ideas or Forms has always existed. These ideal […]