Tag Archives: After School Programs

A Successful Middle School Environment

Middle school students may be more difficult to teach. During the 3 years of junior high, the middle schooler shuts down the academic brain while the social brain works overtime. Unfortunately, these years are often also the most formative of a child’s life. Behavior – good or bad – in middle school is often followed […]

The Benefits of After School Programs

Today’s society demands that children have experience in many different things. Just learning from textbooks at school is often not enough for the developement of your child. After school programs offer chances for children to learn something new that they may not have a chance to learn in school. I feel that parents should enroll […]

Five Ways for a Teacher to Make Extra Money

It’s no secret that teachers don’t get paid what they should. Although teachers have seen significant pay raises in recent years, their salaries are often just enough to live on. So what does a teacher do when looking for extra money to pay off bills or just to do fun things like vacations and trips? […]

Child Daycare and Learning Centers in Lubbock, Texas

Finding a good day care center can prove difficult. Children deserve the best care and parents deserve peace of mind when leaving their little ones at a daycare center. Lubbock, Texas has many day and learning centers to choose from. This is just the beginning of your inquiry about child care. The qualifications of each […]