Tag Archives: Air Purifiers

Air Purifiers Pros and Cons

All it takes is a quick Internet search to find that the number of brands and types of air purifiers on the market makes shopping a daunting task. The second thing you’ll notice is the price; air purifiers are expensive. Those on the fence may ask, “Are they really worth it?” A fair question, but […]

Top Air Purifier Products for Under $200

The air outside and inside your home is increasingly filled with contaminants, microorganisms, allergy-affecting dander, dust and other particles that may not necessarily impair your breathing, but once notice the difference in air quality after using an air purifier, you certainly won’t want to go back to breathing the dirty, disgusting air. An air purifier […]

Why to Buy an Air Purifier and Which One to Buy

Air purifiers, why do you need one and which one should you buy. These are two commonly asked questions about air purifiers. Do air purifiers really clean the air or are they a waste of your money? Those of you with allergies or other health conditions probably know the answers to these questions, but for […]

The Truth About Ozone Air Purifiers

There is no such thing as an ozone air purifier because all appliances sold as such are actually ozone generators being sold as ozone air purifiers. Manufacturers claim that the ozone generated by these devices help in removing indoor air pollutants and bad odor. People are led to believe that these devises are safe to […]

Houseplants: The Best Natural Air Purifiers

Air purifiers have become prevalent after environment studies revealed that indoor air is more polluted as compared to the air outdoors. Since a considerable amount of time is spent indoors, many opt to make use of air purifiers. These devices are mainly advantageous for people afflicted with asthma and allergies. Therefore, freeing the surrounding air […]