Tag Archives: Allegory of the Cave

Plato’s Famous Allegory in Modern Literature

More than two thousand years ago, the philosopher Plato brilliantly illustrated the search for knowledge and the truth of man in the parable of the Republic. He conducted this investigation with a group of men chained from the rise into a deep cave. They cannot even move their heads to see each other or the […]

Plato: A Biographical Sketch

Plato was a philosopher from Ancient Greece who founded the Academy of Athens and used it as a platform to convey his ideas about ethics, politics, and philosophy. Plato focused on Philosophical topics such as Epistemology and Metaphysics. He explored political science and looked for the best form of government, and he expanded what we […]

Plato’s Levels of Reality

Plato was a famous philosopher and the student of another famous philosopher, Socrates. In Plato’s writings, he often writes as if his teacher, Socrates, were the one speaking. One of his most famous pieces is known as The Allegory of the Cave. Plato uses this allegory to illustrate his views on the different levels of […]

What Plato Can Teach Us About Education

Our society so values education that sociologists have recognized the problem of “over-education” (Hadjicostandi). Many people are spending years pursuing degrees which they simply do not need for the jobs they perform. It is therefore prudent for students to question whether pursuing a liberal education is really as important as our society believes. What is […]

Plato and His Ideal Leaders

Plato, was an aristocratic philosopher who was educated under the wing of the ever engaging Socrates. Today, his beliefs and writings litter the ideals of a vast number of governments and his writings fill libraries. Plato’s book, The Republic, tells the story of Socrates as he debates the definition of justice with his comrades. During […]

Understanding Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Within philosophy, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is almost unparalleled in its fame as a way of describing the human condition. Written as a conversation between the philosopher Socrates and Glaucon, it is contained within Plato’s Republic, written more than 2,400 years ago. Since then, it has been referenced in a John Lennon song and […]

Plato’s Views on Human Nature

The famous philosopher, Plato, was originally a student of another famous philosopher, Socrates. Throughout most of Plato’s writings, he writes from the viewpoint of Socrates. Many philosophers believe that although Plato was merely recounting Socrates’s teachings at first, he later began to expand upon them and create and incorporate his own views into his writings […]