Tag Archives: Aloe

Aloe Vera: Nature’s Wonder Plant?

Ancient civilizations, including Greece and Egypt, used the aloe plant at one time. Much like the Egyptian aloe vera we use today to soothe skin irritations. Cleopatra used aloe vera in her beauty treatments, rubbing the ointment on her face to soothe and firm it. skin The plant has been actively used for thousands of […]

Eat Some Aloe Vera for Your Next Meal

Aloe vera is a well known plant for treating burns and insect bites. However, many of you probably do not realize that you can eat Aloe vera too. In this article, I will discuss how and why you should eat Aloe vera. How You Should Eat It – Many of you are probably wondering why […]

Aloe Vera, a Versatile Plant that is Easy to Grow

Taxonomy Taxonomists have had great difficulty with Aloe vera. According to Wikipedia, Carolus Linnaeus called this species Aloe perfoliata var. true, but Nicolaus Laurence Burmannus soon gave him the scientific name which is generally applied to him today. Other botanists have made further suggestions that Aloe vera has acquired several synonyms, such as Aloe barbadensis. […]

Can Aloe Vera Help Cause Weight Loss?

If there is one plant that nature has given to man for a myriad of reasons, it is the Aloe Vera plant. It was only a matter of time before someone linked aloe vera and weight loss, although the thought is somewhat preposterous, there are those who think aloe vera and weight loss are irreversible. […]

Aloe King Aloe Vera Juice – Product Review

Many people suffering from acid reflux can look to Aloe Vera juice for relief. Aloe juice can be used as a home remedy to treat acid reflux and stomach upset. Since I have problems with acid reflux, I decided to give Aloe Regi Aloe Vera juice a try. I bought a bottle of this juice […]

How Does Aloe Vera Help the Colon?

Aloe vera is a succulent plant with gel-like juice used to restore normal bowel function through cleansing. This dark green plant contains fibers that naturally flush toxins and other unwanted substances into the digestive tract for digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in aloe vera in aloe vera has been […]

The Secret Healing Power of Aloe Vera

For centuries many cultures and peoples have been known to use aloe vera in their remedies for all types of ailments. Until recently western medicine has paid little attention to any type of natural remedy, including aloe vera. However, many western doctors are now paying attention to the mysterious healing powers of aloe vera. Just […]

How to Make Aloe Vera Juice

The medical properties of Aloe vera are well known throughout the world. While usage of the plant gained popularity in the United States in the sixties and seventies, historians cite usage of the plant as far back as Ancient Egypt. Today, Aloe vera is most widely used to cure skin infections, scrapes, cuts, and burns. […]