Tag Archives: Apple Cider Vinegar

Medicinal Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

When I was a kid, my grandmother would make me drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with a full glass of water every morning. While I didn’t understand why he did this (he said it was to cleanse my body), as an adult I learned the great medicinal benefits of drinking apple cider […]

Is Apple Cider Vinegar a Miracle Cure?

Lake cider vinegar is a wonderful, miraculous, powerful substance that its proponents claim is beneficial for many ailments. The key to apple cider vinegar’s miraculous health benefits is its content. The stomach is full of minerals, such as potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium; phosphorus, fluoride and sodium. Acetic acid, lactic and two rough sources, namely […]

Acid Reflux: Is the Cure Antacids or Apple Cider Vinegar?

There is an old English saying, “The dog keeps the doctor for a day.” While this opinion may seem like a made-up opinion, probably making apples eat small kids, this is actually backed up by scientific evidence. Once upon a time, when doctors and hospitals were rarer, everyone depended on home-made remedies of all kinds […]

Apple Cider Vinegar is Not Always the Wonder Cure People Say it Is

Lake Cider Vinegar is recognized in many places as a wonderful all-around health remedy. It is named as a high cholesterol reducer, it is thought to be great for your skin, it cleanses your body, it is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and it stops colds dead. So I thought I’d try it out for a […]

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Wart Removal

According to FamilyDoctor.org, warts, which are a caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family, can grow on all parts of your body. Not only are warts unsightly and embarrassing, they can be painful and are also quite contagious. Therefore, it’s advisable to remove warts before they spread. Conventional medical treatment for wart removal […]

Topical Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

While apple cider vinegar is used in many ways to improve internal health, apple cider vinegar has many topical uses as well for overall health and appearance. Learn the ways you can use apple cider vinegar for beauty, health, and overall well-being on the outside! You can steam your face with apple cider vinegar to […]

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet – Ancient, but Effective

You’ve probably heard of the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet since you asked about the perfect diet. The Lake Cider Vinegar Diet has been in circulation much longer than most people have been alive. To put it bluntly, Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Vinegar is older than the hills, but over the years, Apple Cider Vinegar Diet […]

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Really Work for Arthritis, Cancer & Immunity

EarthClinic.com calls vinegar one of Mother Nature’s most perfect foods and healer Mary McCain calls it an “anti-aging” health supplement that “revives metabolism.” So how does apple cider vinegar stand up to scientific scrutiny? Unfortunately, apple cider vinegar, or ACV, doesn’t quite live up to its promises. What Apple Cider Vinegar Is Supposed To Do […]

Apple Cider Vinegar: A Potential Health Risk?

Along with the interest of many Americans in natural medicine for treating ailments has come an onslaught of fantastic claims surrounding folk remedies, vitamins and herbs. Such claims are usually made by individuals with a financial interest in ventures selling products that were intended to prevent or cure disease. Although healthy eating and reliance on […]

Health Benefits of Apple Pectin

Recent studies, conducted by the National Food Institute at the University of Denmark, support the long-held belief that an apple a day keeps the doctor. When microbiologists fed mice a diet of apples, apple puree, and apple juice, they found an abundance of good bacteria in their guts and digestive systems compared to mice in […]