Tag Archives: Arteries


SOME THINGS ABOUT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE It is known that patients with high blood pressure often have a stroke. Many patients experiencing hypertension do not have symptoms of high blood pressure until they experience either a heart attack or a stroke. “The striker is silent.” Today 25% of the entire population suffer from hypertension. You […]

Natural Treatment Options for Athersclerosis

If a doctor were to tell you that you had atherosclerosis, or clogged arteries, he might lead you to believe that the only way to clean arteries out is to undergo angioplasty and that there were no natural treatments available. While the diagnosis of atherosclerosis may be correct, the belief that angioplasty is the only […]

An Overview of Causes, Symptoms and Treatments for Coronary Artery Spasm

Coronary artery spasm, also known as variant angina and Prinzmetal’s angina, is a short-term and unexpected health condition where one of the coronary arteries narrows in size. The spasm stops or slows blood flow in the artery which stops oxygen enriched blood from entering into a certain part of heart. Coronary artery spasms occur due […]

Study: Surprising Cause for Hardening of the Arteries

My mother’s death certificate read: “Heart arrest due to atherosclerotic disease.” Arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis, commonly called “hardening of the arteries”, causes blood vessels to become stiff, narrow, and blocked and leads to heart disease and stroke The narrowing and loss of elasticity of the arteries is caused by both lipid (fat) build-up and multiplication and […]

Artery Health: You’re as Young as Your Arteries

The adage, ‘you are as young as you feel’, is only partially true. The whole truth is you are as young as your arteries, because every other part of your anatomy’s health is directly affected by your arteries’ health. You can ensure or improve the health of your arteries, even reverse poor artery health, and […]