Tag Archives: Arthritis Pain Relief

Turmeric for Arthritis Pain Relief – It’s Not Just for Indian Cuisine Anymore

The goddess turmeric brings color to life It is a mentor’s kit And every woman who puts turmeric in her purse His bag will never be empty. – An old Indian Folk song Turmeric Magical … mystical … medicinal? … so! SO! The benefits of turmeric Indian culture are much more – much more – […]

American Apitherapy: Websites that Sell Bee Venom Treatment for Arthritis Pain Relief

I count myself among the unfortunate people who are allergic to bee stings, rendering American apitherapy ineffective for me. What do you mean by therapy? The use of bee products – the venom of a species of bee – as natural medicine. Considered effective in alleviating the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and rheumatoid arthritis, […]

Reduce Arthritis Pain with 5 Little Known Tricks

Anyone with any type of arthritis pain has tried the usual precautions with ibuprofen, pain killers, heating pads, and all the other common techniques. For those who have tried Celebrex or any supplements that contain glucosamine for their arthritis, there are other less expensive remedies for this common ailment. Arthritis inflammation no longer has to […]